zara seligson zara seligson

Paying Attention

I usually don’t say anything about the transmissions that come through me. I understand that I am just a channel, a vessel for the offering of what is hopefully sustenance for the lives and health and growth of the ones who get to hear the words and more importantly feel the accompanying vibration that he/they bring. Why try to add to the wisdom and elevated vibration of a divine consciousness.

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zara seligson zara seligson

What is The Christ?

A couple of years ago I was giving a talk at a non-denominational church that prided itself on being open to all and condemning of none. I thought I fit right in. In my talk I used the term “the Christ on Earth.” I use this term often, and you will see it repeated a number of times in these transmissions, which is where I got it from in the first place.

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zara seligson zara seligson

What is a Healer?

In this work we are being taught to be consciously co-creating instruments of Divine Light. We say that we are training healers. A healer is not only someone who administers directly to someone who is ill or obviously suffering in some way. A healer is anyone who chooses to stand between the worlds of spirit and those of matter and conduct the Light that comes from the former and into the latter.

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Jonathan Goldman Jonathan Goldman

My New Heart

Where does a healing begin? Is it at the moment of crisis, when you have no choice but to pay attention to what your body/mind/emotions/spirit is raising up symptomatically in your physical or emotional body and therefore putting unavoidably in your face?

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Jonathan Goldman Jonathan Goldman

The simplified Human Energy Vehicle

All creation is made of energy in different expressions. What we call material life- what some people would claim is all that there is, but they are wrong- is but one level of energetic denseness. There are layers more dense-see black holes- and less dense- see gravity, your feelings, or your own soul. This gradation of density also exists in the microcosm of your own Human Energy Vehicle.

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Jonathan Goldman Jonathan Goldman

There is No Such Thing as Compassion Fatigue

I do not deny that burn-out exists among those of us who have dedicated our working lives, and in some cases our lives, period, to the relief of suffering. There is much suffering calling out for attention, and our collective efforts joined together can only address a small portion of it.

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Jonathan Goldman Jonathan Goldman

Fear is the Poison. Faith is the Antidote.

This is not a pitch for any particular religion, or any religion at all. Your religion or lack of one, how you organize your spiritual life, is your business. And any religion, path, group, practice, perspective, set of ideas, or philosophy is at best only succeeding in giving organized form and approximate explanation for an experience of what already exists. The same can be said for the physical sciences.

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