The Compassion Project is dedicated to teaching the art of embodying the actual vibration of compassion as well as the formation of Circles of Compassion worldwide.

Circles of Compassion are a practical, beautiful and easy way to both continue our own development as healers and spiritualized people, and to help the subtle but most necessary securing of compassion and Light on earth.



An actual, universal energy that has an assigned, pre-prepared place in your heart center.  When activated, it is an encircling, vibrating ring of non-attached peace both inside us and around us.

It is a vibration of neutral, focused presence and acceptance of what is, while at the same time holding the space for all possibilities of transformation. Compassion does not seek to fix anything.

It is respectful of the choices and the organic timing of each person and situation and completely aware of and encouraging by its vibrational presence, of the process of growth that symptoms represent.



This 47-minute video, The Art of Compassion, is our gift to the world during these turbulent times. If you find it of use, we welcome you to share it with others in your life who may also find it helpful in their life. This video teaches the inner art of embodying compassion, which can be learned by anyone. Try out what you will learn in it for a week and experience for yourself the changes in your health, your perceptions, and your relationships. The vibration of compassion is built into your energy body. It’s waiting for your attention to be activated. Compassion usually has to wait for an external disaster to be called up, and then it vanishes when the disaster has subsided. This new art will teach you to link with it whenever you need it.

After watching the video, we also welcome any information or experiences you would like to share with us about the teaching. Was the information useful? Were you able to follow the guided mediation and did it lead you to a place inside yourself? Do you have questions about Compassion or any of the material presented? We would love to hear from you.



The Circle of Compassion is meant to create a space that serves both the healing and spiritual development of the participants and the greater good. This session of the Circle of Compassion lasts a little over an hour. Its form is simple and relaxed. One of the people reads a transmission that was given at the inception of the project. This is followed by a brief time of meditation for all participants to access the space and energy of Compassion inside themselves. Then each person has the chance to bring into the formed circle an issue, a person, or a situation. It can be personal to them, to their family, and/or to the larger world.

There are many ways to change the world. There are many ways to help those in need. There are many ways to heal. Our point of view is that the activation of the universal force of compassion in the human heart is the secret to the success of all the positive, unifying ideas and programs that so many people are offering. We are reminded that we are not there to “fix” anything or anybody. We are holding a hospitable space of compassion for Light to be able to come and illuminate what we brought into the center of the circle.

Circles of Compassion are a practical, beautiful and easy way to both continue our own development as healers and spiritualized people, and to help the subtle but most necessary securing of compassion and Light on earth.

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Start a Circle
of Compassion