Private Healing Sessions with Jonathan Goldman


Self Transformational Energy Healing & Acupuncture

A form of hands-on and off- the- body energy work called Transformational Energy Healing (TEH) ,

that works with all the layers of the Human Energy Vehicle.


Clear energies that aren’t yours.

Clear, energize, and harmonize your 7 energy centers or chakras.

Integrate the new arrangement with the forces of nature.

be empowered to be your own healer.

learn the inner art of The Three Groundings.


One on One & Distance Healing Sessions guided by your prayer and intention to clear & transform energy and find greater alignment with Light and your own Path.

Much illness on all levels is both caused by and then held in place by dense energies-thoughts and emotions- that we encounter as we walk through our world. The air we breathe is not just filled with varying levels of physical particles. We also walk through, breathe in, call to us by our unconscious resonance with them, some of the millions of thoughts and emotions that are being emitted constantly. They need to be compassionately but firmly escorted to a place of transformation that is no longer in your energy field.

The art of energy healing is to identify where exactly in the energy field is the origin point of what has translated over time into a set of symptoms, and then remind the vehicle of what it has forgotten: that it was designed to be a harmonious system of integrated motion on all levels.

“You know on some level what is going on with you, you have the inherent power to heal yourself. My job is to help you realize your inherent power and then bring it, and you, back to full strength.” -jonathan goldman



Jonathan sees clients in person in Ashland, Oregon.

First session is 1.5 hours @ 250/hour

Subsequent sessions 1 hour @ 250/hour



Jonathan offers long distance healing sessions for clients world wide, done over the phone or on zoom, which include Transformation Energy Healing, Spiritual Clearing & Spiritual Counsel.

All distance sessions are 1 hour $250/hour