
Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality

Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality

Blessings be upon you as you take the next steps on your path of healing. Light be with you, light be in you, light be around you, light be from you, light be for you. The opportunity presented by starting anew is to bring your awareness to the steps of the renewal as you reform your new nest.

Invoking the Christ Light

Invoking the Christ Light

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you. Light of Christ to give you comfort, to give you perspective in your moments of sadness. We do not seek to explain away anything. It is not our purpose to cover anything about you with words of distraction.

Call Your Heart Forward

Call Your Heart Forward

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you, Light of Christ illuminating all your aspects equally. The invitation in this moment is to bring your heart more fully present. When the heart has been fully present, when out of various motivations you retreat once more, there is a void, a void in you and a void in the sacred spaces that you come to inhabit.

Make Your Heart the Priority

Make Your Heart the Priority

Recognizing when that light is upon you is the secret. Sometimes we wait. In this case, we wait for your full complement to be present. It is not so much what we say that is so precious, it is the experience of being together as one heart and watching, feeling, observing the light come present when hearts are joined that is most precious to us.

Fill Your Vessel

Fill Your Vessel

Your heart is a vessel. Your heart is a bowl. Imagine, if you will, a crystalline bowl. In fact, it is a bowl within a bowl; a vessel within a vessel within a vessel within a vessel. Each layer of your vehicle, another vessel. A vessel is something that is filled, that can hold a substance- in this case light, in this case vitality.

You Are Beloved

You Are Beloved

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you. As you clear yourself, as you calm yourself, as you allow your mind to run where it will and you stay calm and centered Light of Christ through you. No matter where you go in this world there is really only one truth you need to know, you are indeed beloved. All that happens to you is because you are human and chose to be a human.