The Compassion Project- behind the creation

I had a healing practice for 33 years. One day around 2005 I was in my clinic. I was walking across the waiting room, headed for a treatment room. Nothing unusual was going on as far as I knew. That moment was like literally thousands of other moments that I had walked through in those years. In that moment, I felt something in and around my chest. It was a feeling so pleasant, so strong, and so expansive that I stopped in mid-stride, closed my eyes and breathed.  I wanted to feel that feeling forever. Which was, I see now, a strong and sincere prayer that was registered with whoever it was that blew that breeze of grace my way in that seemingly random moment.

What I was feeling was the authentic, universal vibration of compassion.

Over the next years, we formed the Essential Light Institute. ELI has provided a forum, a classroom, a laboratory for the delivery and testing of what has become a body of healing and spiritual knowledge that, while it has come thorough me, has shown itself to come from that same Light source that shone upon me that day. The result has been a textbook, Gift of the Body, books of transmission from that same source and classes of trained light healers who are doing their versions of grounding Universal Light on earth in the various places and in the many forms that they have learned to express through our work together. The knowledge and techniques to embody the knowledge have been delivered progressively, over time. Recently, these many years after that initial prayer to embody compassion, we have been given the way to do that exact thing. And now we’ve made a 47-minute video to teach you how to do it too.

I want you to understand that I am not speaking metaphorically when I say that you can learn to consciously embody compassion. The vibration of compassion is built into your energy body. It sits there waiting to be activated. That usually happens by an external disaster calling it up in us. This new art will teach you to do it whenever you need it, which as far as I can tell is almost always.

I am dedicating the next years of my life to teaching this art of embodying compassion to as many people as I, and we, can reach. Why? Because amidst the cacophony of thought and opinion and emotion and mental illness that is pervading our world, compassion is an island of calm, non-attached, Light-calling peace that is vitally needed and practically useful. That’s why I was taught this art. Because my original prayer, which led me into political and then healing and then spiritual work, was to be of use.

I am assuming that you have the same wish: to help in this moment of trouble and immense potential.  I am writing to give you the gift of what I’ve learned that has transformed my life, my health, my work, my family and my community. And if you know me at all, you know that I am not given to hyperbole or grand declarations.

So I am offering you to watch the video I made that teaches the art of embodying compassion. Then I’m asking you to try out what you will have learned for a couple of days and see if you notice what I’m betting you will. And then I’m asking you to pass this letter and your own recommendation to all your friends and contacts and whomever else you intuit may be ready to benefit from their own investment.

There are many ways to change the world. There are many ways to help those in need. There are many ways to heal. My point of view is that the activation of the universal force of compassion in the human heart is at the base of all the positive, unifying ideas and programs that so many people are offering. It is authentic compassion that unites us, because we all have it in us. By activating in you, you are becoming a vibrational center of unity. You are becoming a true healer. And by passing it on you are doing some of your bit to change the world.

That’s my request. Help me help this world by helping yourself to the gift that was given to me to pass on. And pass it on.

May you be blessed with the Peace of the Universal Light in your heart.

Jonathan Goldman
February 22, 2019