My New Heart

My New Heart

I’m offering my view of the Human Energy Vehicle to you in a very simplified form so that when I teach you to discern between compassion and empathy, which is the practical point of this essay, you will have a cognitive container to put the idea in, turn it about, and see if it can be of use to you.

Thoughts On What's Happening Part 2

Thoughts On What's Happening Part 2

So, what’s up with all this anger? Of course, we are all looking for positivity; to be calm, open-hearted, compassionate. (I’m going to teach you literally how to do all that in a near-future post.) But at the same time, there are pops, bursts, occasional tsunamis, of irritation, frustration, misdirected anger that blow up in our bodies, rattling us and leaving us spent, and curious at best.

Paying Attention

Paying Attention

Dear Ones,

I usually don’t say anything about the transmissions that come through me. I understand that I am just a channel, a vessel for the offering of what is hopefully sustenance for the lives and health and growth of the ones who get to hear the words and more importantly feel the accompanying vibration that he/they bring. Why try to add to the wisdom and elevated vibration of a divine consciousness.

But this time I’m going to make an exception. Not to add to what he said, but to give you a bit of context for some of what he said. I need to say from the outset that it was an even stranger experience than usual to not only be the megaphone for the transmission, but the subject of it….

It Broke Me Open

It Broke Me Open

Yoga teacher and writer, Kristin Tone, wrote about her experiences with Essential Light Institute for The Echo World, a news publication in Central Virginia.

Anxiety and trauma, two aspects of the human condition that cannot be outrun, outmaneuvered, outsmarted. I was a mother of two, worked full-time, had a master’s degree, a marriage, a house, two dogs and trauma in my past that I had boxed and stored, protecting it with a shiny exterior.  My secret life of frenetic fear began to seep out when my first child was born. I remember standing in my bathroom one morning, the kids needing lunches and shoes tied, feeling like the water level was rising, and it had suddenly hit my nose….

Some Words About a Word

Some Words About a Word

A couple of years ago I was giving a talk at a non-denominational church that prided itself on being open to all and condemning of none. I thought I fit right in. In my talk I used the term “the Christ on Earth.” I use this term often, and you will see it repeated a number of times in these transmissions, which is where I got it from in the first place. After the talk ended, I was approached by two women. They proceeded to inform me in no uncertain terms that my use of that phrase was highly insulting to them. How dare I bring such division and unsafety to the sacred place of unity that the church was holding. They were quite triggered, and no explanation I could offer for how I, a Jew by birth, had come to be not only comfortable with, but honored to use such a phrase, was satisfying to them. I understood their distress, but I wasn’t willing to change what has become to me a beloved phrase to ease it. But it did call me to make a study….