It Broke Me Open

Yoga teacher and writer, Kristin Tone, wrote about her experiences with Essential Light Institute for The Echo World, a news publication in Central Virginia.

Anxiety and trauma, two aspects of the human condition that cannot be outrun, outmaneuvered, outsmarted. I was a mother of two, worked full-time, had a master’s degree, a marriage, a house, two dogs and trauma in my past that I had boxed and stored, protecting it with a shiny exterior.  My secret life of frenetic fear began to seep out when my first child was born. I remember standing in my bathroom one morning, the kids needing lunches and shoes tied, feeling like the water level was rising, and it had suddenly hit my nose.

I had heard of Jonathan Goldman and the Essential Light Institute from a friend 6 years earlier who had just attended a Healing the Healer workshop. She told me things like: “there is no way to explain what occurred there”, “it broke me open”, “it’s like I suddenly saw myself and the world in a completely new way.” She said she released energetic patterns in her body that made her feel lighter, more open, compassionate and loving. As a therapist, she looked forward to learning more about the energetic exchange between her and her patients and how to facilitate the health of both.

In the bathroom that day, I thought of my friend and her experience, and that afternoon, I received an email from another friend asking me if I would join her at a Healing the Healer workshop. I did. I have attended at least fifteen workshops since. I have released a large portion of the trauma from my body. I have a peace and trust that I didn’t think possible. I know a world beyond the mind and fear, and I have what ELI calls “Divine Tactics” to help center me in that place. People who love me are blown away by the transformation that has occurred in me through this work, just as I was astounded by the clarity in the eyes of those who had consistently worked with Jonathan and ELI in the years before me. 

Jonathan teaches embodied experience of the subtler realms of vibrational reality. He guides his students to the energetic dimension of the heart, where wisdom is discovered unrelated to the mind, thoughts, beliefs and opinions. The work of the Essential Light Institute is to learn to know, employ and call different aspects of Light. This is not metaphorical, as Jonathan says, the curriculum is entirely experiential. We learn to feel and discern the vibrations of Compassion, Truth, Faith, and Forgiveness. We explore the subtle realms of existence, mediumship, the importance and practice of Presence, and the truth and purpose of lives on earth. We learn the art of healing and health through energetic hygiene and awareness of what is present in the body and the greater energy field at any given moment.  

I have watched people walk into workshops, dim and weighted with emotional and physical pain, and by day three, their eyes are bright, bodies light. I no longer live in fear. I now know how to feel. The world is a much more vital and magnificent place than I ever could have imagined had I remained bound to my mind.

Kristin Tone, M.Ed.
Originally published in “The Echo World,” June 2019 edition.

Jonathan Goldman and the Essential Light Institute are offering upcoming courses in The Healing Life: Depression, Anxiety and Trauma, as well as a year-long Transformational Energy Healing Training.