Bells of Reactivity

Bells of Reactivity

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light in every corner of your own being. Light in every corner that you inhabit. Let nothing get in the way of your new found relationship with Light. Most especially be aware of, as you discussed so beautifully yesterday, the thought forms, as they have been named, that come to put a ceiling, that come to block the skylight, with their concerns, with their opinions, with their reactions. What is a reaction? A reaction is a thought form that has been activated, that is creating noise in your field. All of you have those bells waiting to be rung, the bells of reactivity. As we say and say again, we do not point these things out to denigrate you, or criticize you. We are seeking to enhance your experience of inhabiting your gift of the body. When the bell is rung the sound emanates. You can cover your ears. You can let it distract you. And you have other choices. If your pledge, your desire, your choice, your prayer, is to maintain at all times an open relationship with that emanation that has been named Light. Then when that bell of reactivity rings, when that thought form comes to block your vision, you have something to supersede that loud clanging of the reactive bell. You need to nurture this every day, many times a day, in many circumstances so you can get used to the orientation which is all it is, and all that’s required. Where do you put your attention? Where do you put your breath?

There are three things that you need to pay attention to, or that we would invite you to pay attention to. First, your breath. Second, the sound of the universe. Third, your heart. The universe has a sound, you know this. The universe sings a song of creation. All living things in their essence sing in this chorus. Sometimes there are solos in the chorus. The wind takes its turn. The animals bark, howl. And there is a sound. Perhaps you can hear it even now. The sound of the vibration of life. So pay attention through your breath, and pay attention to your heart. The rest, as you would say, is commentary. Sometimes the commentary is louder than the song. Pay attention to your breath. Pay attention to that music. Pay attention to your heart.

It seems that we repeat ourselves quite often. Perhaps that is because humans need to hear things more than once, or twice. We ask that you take this beauty that you are accessing here, primarily the beauty of your own self, and nurture it through your attention. How rare a thing to turn your immense love on yourself. How rare, how beautiful, how necessary, how true.

You have blessed this nest by your presence. You have blessed it with your tears. You have blessed it with your laughter. You have blessed it with your prayers. You have blessed it with every thing that you have discharged and let go of. That becomes part of the atmosphere of transformation in healing here. We honor you. We thank you. We respect you, and we are with you. May you be blessed as you are now, with as we say, the peace of Christ in your hearts. It is in the intention we have invited you to make inside yourself that this peace can grow. There is a  

great need for this peace in each of your lives and a greater need even in your world. Let this peace be your gift to yourself. Let this peace be your gift to those who come in contact with you. There can be no greater gift that you can give. We leave you now in this peace, but as we say, we never leave you. Amen

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Loosening the Threads


Actively Cultivating Your Relationship To Light