Actively Cultivating Your Relationship To Light

Actively Cultivating Your Relationship To Light

When the Light descends upon you, or as some of you would prefer, when the Light is activated in you, how do you respond? Do you question its truthfulness? Does it activate your imagination? Does it raise more questions than are answered by its presence? All of this is meant to stimulate you into active relationship, but that active relationship is different than others because it is inner.

You are cultivating a new relationship with a friend who does not speak to you in words, but speaks to you as you have been taught, in sensation. You are interacting with an intelligence that is different than that which you are used to, either in your ownself as you have known yourself, or in others as you have know them. The relationship with that intelligence that we call Light, that we call the Christ, you call it what you will, is one that unfolds, evolves, layer upon layer.

Truthfully it is not something that can be described. It can be mutually enjoyed among you. But to describe it is to seek to put something into words that does not speak in words. And so we are left with you, in the space of the increase, in the examination of the relationship with Light. It is, so to speak, a bonus of that relationship that we, however you frame the ‘we,’ come, so to speak, riding on that Light. It is in the opening. It is in the internal shifts. It is in the availability that comes through that relationship with Light, that those that you call your ‘Guides’ can also come into your relationship.

There is one more thing we would share with you on this day, at this moment. It is something that is obvious and yet, bears repeating. The relationship is up to you to choose to create space in your daily life where this that you are feeling now, that you are sensing now, that you are seeing now, can grow.

You can throw some seeds on a patch of earth and hope that something will grow. When you come back in a few months you can see what has grown, perhaps something very beautiful, without your paying attention to it. That is one way to cultivate your garden. There are other ways, that involve you in the step by step process of the cultivation, that have you with your fingers in the dirt, that have you in relationship to each seed that you plant, blessing it, that have you clearing away the dead leaves that no longer serve to protect the garden, to allow the sun to allow the rain, to come and stimulate that which is already planted, just as in your garden plot the relationship with Light involves your own choice.

It is our hope to give you the experience, that will awaken in you, the desire, the hope, that this relationship may be of use to you, may be a different way of navigating your life on Earth, may add to the beauty of that life, may give you perspective on some of those troubling aspects of

that life. And that that will stimulate you to create the space for this relationship to evolve in a more conscious, mutual way. And yet, as you know, you are beloved no matter what, and the Light is with you no matter what, and those seeds will grow, because that is the way of the garden. And you are, as you know, blessed with this peace which is, so to speak, a bonus of cultivating that relationship. In this moment breathe into that peace. Memorize that peace in the vibrational level of your being. Link, your breathe, to this peace. Link your breathe to this peace.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Bells of Reactivity


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