There is No Limit
Light around you. Light within you. Light to guide you home. Light to remind you. We have spoken to you of the collaboration that takes place on so many levels when you enter into the matrix of this work. We ask you to pay attention in this moment to what has been called your channel, your spiritual doorway.

Rest in the Light, in the Mystery
Light upon you, Light within you -feel yourself resting in light, resting. Is it possible, is it possible that we are with you all the time? That that way that you interpret yourself -that you are a little different than you used to be, something's different, something feels a little different, is the presence of your guides?

How do You Know?
With a breath, you find your circle. With another breath you find your heart. This is how you know, so to speak, the progress that you’ve made.

Remembering Your Essential Self
Now you are remembering. What a blessed amazing gift. To be able to remember and actualize that which you remember. That the ability to remember and return to a previous state is, so to speak, an added gift given to humans.

Your Relationship to the Mystery
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you, leading you through the mystery, to the mystery, from the mystery, returning, to the mystery. A mystery means something that is undiscovered and yet exists. From a certain point of view human existence is simply a mystery.

Loosening the Threads
The current, the circle reforming, be aware of that energetic process and how you can participate in it more consciously. Be aware also of your guides and the guides of this work. Become aware of how we make ourselves known to you.

Actively Cultivating Your Relationship To Light
When the Light descends upon you, or as some of you would prefer, when the Light is activated in you, how do you respond? Do you question its truthfulness? Does it activate your imagination? Does it raise more questions than are answered by its presence?

Receiving Your Guides and Subtle Awareness
Let's join our hands together. Be aware as we take each step, as we reform the nest, how the sensation changes; how the feeling changes; how you know that your heart is linking with all the other hearts to form something greater than the sum of the hearts.

Connecting With Your Guides
The arrival of the Guide is a moment to be recognized and a moment to be cherished. As you sit here recreating your circle, be aware of the steps, the stages, the sequence that leads to the rejoining; the reconnecting with your guide, your friend.

Where Have You Been Until Now?
Welcome to all of you and welcome to all the members of the team arriving here step by step slowly. You have all done the work you needed to do to arrive here- overcoming, in some cases, the resistance of your ego, the busyness of your lives,
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