What Is Lacking?
There are times, are there not, when you feel yourself submitting to despair. When that which would balance the weight of what can seem to be dark, heavy, hopeless is missing. But what is missing? What is lacking? The answer, of course, that you know is nothing is lacking.

Activation of Healership
Light upon you. Light to illuminate all the corners of your house. We are calling here the dust, neglected material, that which was put aside stuck in a closet even left to rot in the hopes that it would disappear. You came into this world waiting to be fed, to be nurtured, to be taught.

There is a Jewel
Find that posture that subtle yet knowable noticeable alignment inside you that will make you receptive to what we bring you at this moment. Your ears are serving that inner alignment. Your breath is serving that inner alignment. You're preparing your inner territory- yes, to hear the word said, but more importantly to receive the vibrational information.

Where Have You Been Until Now?
Welcome to all of you and welcome to all the members of the team arriving here step by step slowly. You have all done the work you needed to do to arrive here- overcoming, in some cases, the resistance of your ego, the busyness of your lives,
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