Transmutation of Matter
Light upon you. Light upon, Light Within. In this moment, light to remind you call up memory in your bodies. The memory of what happens when you come together to reform the nest. It is even this we would leave you with just as we began with this. What happens when you join heart to heart to heart?

How do You Know?
With a breath, you find your circle. With another breath you find your heart. This is how you know, so to speak, the progress that you’ve made.

The Journey of Healing
Light upon you. Light through you. Light for you. Light with you. Light coming to you in a concentrated being when you learn the art of humbly calling.

What Are You Waiting For?
Universal light inside you. Universal light making up the substance, so to speak, of all of your layers. And not just the layers that you are being taught to assess and access here, but those layers of consciousness where you live in multiple places, so to speak, in multiple levels.

What is Love?
Light of Christ upon you. What does that mean? On one level it’s just a collection of words. It is certainly a blessing, it is a wish; it is also a description. Where does the light of Christ come from? What does it do? What is its purpose?

What Is Lacking?
There are times, are there not, when you feel yourself submitting to despair. When that which would balance the weight of what can seem to be dark, heavy, hopeless is missing. But what is missing? What is lacking? The answer, of course, that you know is nothing is lacking.
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