What Is Lacking?

What Is Lacking?

There are times, are there not, when you feel yourself submitting to despair. When that which would balance the weight of what can seem to be dark, heavy, hopeless is missing. But what is missing? What is lacking? The answer, of course, that you know is nothing is lacking.  The perception of lack although can be quite seductive. It can be so seductive that you have created whole systems, ways of organizing, yourselves based on that misconception. How to overcome this pervasive platform? It would be easy for us who don't have the bodies that you have, who don't need food like you need, who don’t need shelter with such hard walls, who can transport ourselves without the need for fuel, to glibly say to you just tune into the abundance. 

Our answer is not an easy one, but after all, it was you who chose to come to be in this body. You who were given the program of learning that you are learning both in your life and in this room. The answer of course is you must learn the intricacies of faith. Why do we say intricacies? Because faith is not just one thing. It is one place in your vehicle, but it is composed of many threads. What you are learning about discernment is involved in faith. That vibration of Truth that you access in moments of clarity is an aspect of faith.  Also the fact that you are on earth in this body with all of its uncertainties, all of its vagaries, all of its possibilities, all of that is part of faith. Uncertainty and Truth; Possibility, Discernment. Upheaval is also part of Faith, because without upheaval and uncertainty, faith would just be sitting in its chair bored with nothing to do. And also choice, choice fuels faith. The choice to link yourself with faith, the choice to recognize despair for the trap that it is and rather than fight despair, rather than ignore despair, rather than sublimate to rise above despair- to choose faith. 

This is an act of what this one has called higher will. Faith can be the rope tied to the tree at the top of the cliff. Faith tells you there is one more hand hold. There's one more ledge waiting for you to climb to it. There would be no need for faith if there was no need to navigate to travel to keep going, but you have chosen to be an active participant in your life, to step beyond your comfort zone in order to gain the beauty, the comfort eventually, and yes the excitement of living a full life. And yet each of you has stepped beyond or is stepping beyond or is contemplating stepping beyond your usual ways, your culturally-approved ways of living that life. 

We know that what you are doing is not easy for some of you. The reward for your bravery is the light that you receive, is the clearing away of the debris on top of your heart, And the connection to those qualities that we have spoken about.  The uncertainty is necessary.  The doubt is natural.  Fear will always try to stop you. Don’t hate your fear. You don't have to follow your fear, but you don't have to follow your fear, but you don’t have to hate it. It has good intentions. It wants you to be safe, but now your safety can come from your faith. Does that mean you will never suffer pain? We are sorry to tell you that is not on the program. Does it mean you will never doubt? No, you will have doubt at times until you leave this blessed vehicle. Does it mean you will never pass through darkness? If you live in this world you will see, feel, and come to know darkness. By the darkness, you recognize the light. By the choice to embrace light, do you save yourself and those who come to you. 

So we offer you the augmentation of your faith by our own. All beings live according to faith. Stars are guided by faith. The universe travels as it does impulsed by faith. So when you choose your small faith you link to the great faith. When you choose to embrace the unknown as a gift for your growth, as a chance for your evolution to accelerate, you are helped, augmented, supported, in your language, by the billions of beings making that same choice.  And there is one more quality we would impart to you included in the ball of faith- Joy.  Unity brings joy, security. It does not always bring in the moment safety, but it brings certainty and it brings help. As much as we can within the laws of intervention, we will help you. Sometimes by blowing on the spark of your faith with our divine breath. Sometimes by bearing witness to your choice. Sometimes by standing back and letting you Sway in the Wind. That also is help. 

May you be blessed now forever, eternally, internally with the peace of Christ in your hearts. May you come to know yourselves, all of yourselves, as emanations of the One Heart. May all of your troubles and concerns be seen in the context of the curriculum learning that you have chosen to undertake.  We leave you now, but as we have said before, we do not leave you. We shift our frequency to leave you in your blessed circle to make your choices, to make your inquiries, to use the amazing faculties you have been given of understanding, of feeling, of reflecting, of contemplation, of choice. How glorious it is to be a human being. And we say to you in your language Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


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