Connecting With Your Guides

Connecting With Your Guides

The arrival of the Guide is a moment to be recognized and a moment to be cherished. As you sit here recreating your circle, be aware of the steps, the stages, the sequence that leads to the rejoining; the reconnecting with your guide, your friend. The first step is your choice to sit quietly. To connect again, to reinforce or to remember your heart. The connection between your guide and your vehicle is like a sweet smell that comes to you and creates hunger because when the Guide joins with his, her, their, our beloved, something new happens, something magical happens, something beyond the norm happens. We all become more than we are. We all become something new, something else. It’s not something that can be described. It can only be experienced. 

So, the first step is to make yourself available. The second step is to recognize the (natural) reaching of your own vehicle;  the opening of your vehicle to receive the Beloved, the Lover, the Teacher, the Helper, the Guide. Then, there is for each of you a series of steps; small shifts, a vibration. Maybe it comes to your hands, maybe it comes somewhere else—a twitch, an awareness- your breath deepens, your posture gets straighter. A peace comes on you, an interior peace coupled with an expectation, so you are simultaneously at peace and also excited. He, she, they are arriving. And then each of you in your way opens even more fully to receive that which has arrived here. The team is assembling.

You have in your life many relationships. A relationship implies the word “between". Sometimes it implies the word “among". There is, as you know- as you are discovering more and more and which is in fact the purpose of all of those relationships- an inner you, the pure consciousness, the awareness, that singular identity that knows itself as itself and knows itself in relation. That inner self has a relationship, is in relation to all the outer parts of you. To your beliefs, your opinions, your personality, your name, your gender, your happinesses, your sadnesses. You are in relation to all that and by those relations you come to know yourself. You are in relation with others outside you. You are in relation to the forces of nature. You are in relation to these guides. And you are in relation to the mystery of which you are a part and have believed yourself to be apart from. 

All of this comes into this moment, this singular moment, the arrival of the Guide. The prayers you will make soon are already being answered in that relation: in what will be revealed, in what will be transformed, in what will be accepted, loved, learned from in this space. Welcome.

Welcome once again to the circle of compassion. This ring is linked then in relation to the other rings of compassion. So many places, so many dimensions. The circle is the basic sacred configuration. A true circle has no beginning and has no end and can be in relation to everything. A circle can bend itself into any shape to accommodate those relations just as this circle will allow you to bring whatever you need to bring, to open whatever needs to be opened to allow the evolution, the realization of those relations. 

You are blessed here as the final step in the reception of your guides. You are blessed here with the peace of Christ in your hearts because it is that that allows all that will come, all that needs to come, to come into that peace. So that you know as that great one said, “All is well, all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.”

So, breathe, each of you. Breathe. We have given you a general outline of what we trust is happening for each of you but each of you is also unique in the way that you assess the sequence of moments that lead to the realization that there is someone with you now, wishing you so well that you can’t help but have your prayer realized. We say to you. Amen.


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