What is Love?

What is Love?

Light of Christ upon you. What does that mean? On one level it’s just a collection of words. It is certainly a blessing, it is a wish; it is also a description. Where does the light of Christ come from? What does it do? What is its purpose? 

There is at the center of creation a pulsing heart. It’s not a heart in the way that you know a heart because it has no limits; it is not finite. And yet, it exits and it pulses so we call it a heart. And from that comes a vibration (another word but a word that you understand from the experience of it) a vibration that pulses through all of reality, all of reality, all of reality. And while that vibration has no personality as you know it, it has intention; it has direction because it is the expression of love. 

What is love? Another word. Love is that which reality is created from and which maintains it. Light is the vibration that carries it, feeds it, nurtures it, expresses it. In your world some have called that emanation the Holy Spirit. Love in action, in expression. Light is the essence of that. So it makes things lighter, of a higher vibration, which is experienced by the creatures who receive it as joy, expansion. The sub-categories of light include: compassion, faith, forgiveness. 

And so you have been given the name Essential Light and that word essential has more than one meaning. Essential means underneath everything that which is of essence. It also means that which is most necessary. Imagine if you will what would happen if that central heart stopped beating, stopped emitting—all creation would be frozen, would cease. But don’t worry the good news is that it cannot be diminished or depleted because it is essential. And so when we say Light of Christ be upon you we also mean Light of Christ is in you, of you, for you, though you and with you. 

We have done the best we can through this vehicle to describe something which really can only be felt, experienced. All of our words are simply meant to point you in a direction inward, to help you relax so you can experience that which rides upon our words, inspires them, calls us to bring them to you so that you join us in the mystery of the Essential Light. Just as the birds of your world sail upon the winds, the air, we sail upon the pulsation of Light. 

Breathe. Make use of your precious breath. Through that breath receive this vibration of that Light, that Essential Light, that Christ light. Pay attention to how it enlivens your matter, your cells, your bodies and then through your heart, pay attention to your heart, link yourself to that central source, that pulsation from where, in its mystery, the light emanates. 

There will be those who will read these words—some will think them beautiful, some may think them silly—what they are missing, what you have now, is the experience of the Christ Light. And if you are one of those reading this after it has been spoken: stop, breathe, do the same. Our words are meant to convey, to bring you in contact with that which is present all the time. But our aim is to focus it for you to know yourself as this light, in this light, of this light, for this light. 

And so when we say “May you be blessed with the Peace of the Christ in your hearts” now you know we are conveying more than a blessing. We are conveying the stimulation of a memory. Peace is a force that rides on light. Truth is force that comes with light. Forgiveness is a force that arrives riding on the light. And all the other divine qualities that you seek to embody and impart to those who come to you depend on your connecting with that light, with that source of light, to awaken those qualities in you and to augment them through the implantation of the seeds of light, the stimulation of those seeds by the vibration, ongoing relationship with the vibration, of light. At its heart it is totally a mystery; in its manifestation it is simply to be observed, participated in, welcomed and be grateful for. 

So, we leave you now, although when we say we leave you we do not leave you, we withdraw to allow you the space for contemplation, the space for conversation. But how could we leave you when we are all joined together in this Light? And so you are blessed with the Peace of Christ in your hearts. We say in your world. Amen

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


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