The Willing Heart
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ arriving here as you open your hearts and recreate the container, the vessel, the unified heart. As you can feel sitting in your Sacred Circle, you carry within you a memory, a vibrational memory. All memory is, infact, vibrational. As is, of course, everything else.

Creating a Space for Your Relationship to Light
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to guide you. Light in this moment to comfort you. Light to give you a perspective -wider, broader. Light to bring you peace, to calm that which perturbs you, to calm that which would agitate you. Light is what you would call multi-purpose, multi-use.

Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality
Blessings be upon you as you take the next steps on your path of healing. Light be with you, light be in you, light be around you, light be from you, light be for you. The opportunity presented by starting anew is to bring your awareness to the steps of the renewal as you reform your new nest.

Invoking the Christ Light
Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you. Light of Christ to give you comfort, to give you perspective in your moments of sadness. We do not seek to explain away anything. It is not our purpose to cover anything about you with words of distraction.

Experience Your Garden
We ask you to suspend, temporarily, the act of thinking. At least to disengage temporarily from your fascination with it, your commitment to it. Not because there is anything wrong with it, that is not a concept that we use in this space, but because it has its limitations.

You Are Beloved
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you. As you clear yourself, as you calm yourself, as you allow your mind to run where it will and you stay calm and centered Light of Christ through you. No matter where you go in this world there is really only one truth you need to know, you are indeed beloved. All that happens to you is because you are human and chose to be a human.

What is Love?
Light of Christ upon you. What does that mean? On one level it’s just a collection of words. It is certainly a blessing, it is a wish; it is also a description. Where does the light of Christ come from? What does it do? What is its purpose?
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