Mediumship is Relationship
What you call mediumship, we call relationship. What to you is strange, intriguing, we call reality. If we say to you that the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the Earth are contained in you vibrationally, would you not agree with that statement?

Join with Light
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light expanding you. Light vibrating you. In other paths in other lines, as you would say, this light has other names. As we have said many times, it doesn’t matter what you call it, but call it. Prana, Chi, other names not known in this one's dictionary, Universal light glowing wherever there is life, creating that life, augmenting that life, illuminating that life, calling that life into its fullest expression.

Invoking the Christ Light
Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you. Light of Christ to give you comfort, to give you perspective in your moments of sadness. We do not seek to explain away anything. It is not our purpose to cover anything about you with words of distraction.

Remembering Your Essential Self
Now you are remembering. What a blessed amazing gift. To be able to remember and actualize that which you remember. That the ability to remember and return to a previous state is, so to speak, an added gift given to humans.

Rearranging Your Spiritual Toolbox
Blessings upon you on this day. For indeed you have already received the blessing of being in your body surrounded by, living on, living through, the body of your earth. You have the blessing of nurturing that body. You have the ineffable blessing of friendship, companionship.

Creating Your Vision
Blessings on each of your beautiful hearts. Blessings upon your collective heart that manifests when each of your hearts comes together with the others. What do you wish for today? What thought do you wish to put into this space held by your collective heart?

Experience Your Garden
We ask you to suspend, temporarily, the act of thinking. At least to disengage temporarily from your fascination with it, your commitment to it. Not because there is anything wrong with it, that is not a concept that we use in this space, but because it has its limitations.

Realize Your Spark
Oh beautiful ones, if you could but, and someday you will, see how you glow with that light upon you, in you, through you, with you, of you, all of your opinions about yourself, all of your negative ideas about who you are, or what you've done, who you should be, aren't, wouldn’t, couldn’t, all of that would drop away. All of that is just the threads that you wound around yourself to fit in, to not stand out
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