Experience Your Garden

Experience Your Garden

We ask you to suspend, temporarily, the act of thinking. At least to disengage temporarily from your fascination with it, your commitment to it. Not because there is anything wrong with it, that is not a concept that we use in this space, but because it has its limitations. It has, so to speak, its prejudices of what is possible, what is acceptable. The invitation here is to step beyond, underneath, as we say, the underneath to find new territory.

You have in you a garden that has been miraculously tended by a gardener you have not yet met. The miracle, the beauty, the mystery is that underneath all of the things that perturb you, that you imagine are your defects, your pain, your traumas, your limitations, underneath all of that, there is already, partially in bloom, a garden awaiting with a bench prepared for your sitting. And so the suspension of thinking, the disidentification as this one would say, with your thoughts, serves the purpose of allowing you to so to speak begin to smell the aroma of that garden.

As we have encouraged you, now at this moment appreciate the sensation of the formation of this communal space. It actually requires more effort to prevent the feeling of unity than to allow it to happen. Humans spend great amounts of energy preventing the natural experience of unity. So breathe now, being aware of the formation of your circle naturally occurring.

The formation of your circle will continue simply by your being present. And each time that you bring yourself more present, that you present the truth of your heart, however you do that, in whatever form you do that in, you strengthen the space of compassion which then allows you and the other dear ones who have courageously come to this space, to go deeper in the experience of your garden. Of course, many of you have, as you would say, some weeds to clear out, some stones that are sitting on top of plants ready to sprout. We can assure you whatever they look like, however they manifest, we appreciate your courage and your truthfulness for when you allow them to be removed, you're actually nurturing so to speak the Universal Garden.

The work you do here is for you, but it goes beyond you to your families, your ancestors, and to the ones who come after you. That is not cause for fear or aggrandizement. It is simply to know that when the moment comes for you to do something that may be uncomfortable, you will have, so to speak, a cheering section. We will say this to you many times and we asked you to appreciate the vibration that the words bring, and as this one has said a number of times already, you may substitute other words, these are the words we use, when we say: may you be blessed now and in all that you do in these days together, and may you take with you that which we call the peace of the universal Christ in your hearts.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


The Journey of Healing


Building A Relationship To The Divine Vibration Of Light