The Journey of Healing

The Journey of Healing

Light upon you. Light through you. Light for you. Light with you. Light coming to you in a concentrated being when you learn the art of humbly calling. To do that, it will be good for you to learn to honor and respect your heart. That's not because your heart is better than any of the other aspects of your human self, but because among those unique qualities, the heart is its own uniqueness.   

Your heart has the multi-dimensional ability to simultaneously be present in your body, in your world, in the awareness of what is around you, in nature of those you meet, of those you interact with, and at the same time, bring into your awareness that which is underneath and beyond those worldly interactions. Your heart is so so speak hidden in plain sight.

When you choose to make the leap, to struggle up the mountain from the center you’ve called your third chakra, to climb, in some cases slowly, in many cases, climbing and falling back down, finding the courage, the determination, the inspiration to climb again, it can, as you say, put you through many changes. What an expression. A colloquialism that is true because in order to transfer your allegiance from that which has served you so well to something which may, but you don't know, serve you differently, more aligned with your new prayer. You have to access faith. And faith, interestingly enough, is a quality of the heart. So to continue the journey of arriving at your heart, you have to simultaneously access some of its qualities to give you the strength, the courage, the faith to continue the journey.

It is why we say that to heal yourself you do everything at once. Healing is not a linear process. It certainly has steps, but when you make your prayer as you have made so sincerely, you open the door to your healing.  What is behind that door is usually not very organized. So what will help you in this most blessed, at times most complicated, and at times as you would say, a little scary journey of healing? That is your task for this day. To find in you the place to sit, the place to rest. As we say, the underneath, the underneath, the underneath from which you can allow what may seem at times to be a random overwhelming process of transforming that which comes out of the hidden room when you open the door.

Where will you sit? Where will you catch your breath? You have been, as you have been told, given everything you need inside your blessed vehicle, every instrument you need, every piece of wisdom, every talent, quality that you may need to allow, invoke, and participate in the transformation of the material that you have so lovingly and unconsciously carried with you to bring into this light. What you will learn here, what is being offered to you with love, kindness, and devotion, is how to identify, access, strengthen those instruments, those qualities, those inbuilt, innate instruments that will allow you to play the beautiful music of your harmonized self.

We leave you with this alert. you will be shown along with these qualities that you may learn to employ for your benefit, you also have in you other qualities that would seek to prevent their use. Their presence is not a mistake. You have been given fear, guilt, shame, and pride to be your internal teachers. By learning to identify them, by learning to face them, and by learning to disidentify with them, you grow in your strength, you grow in your courage, you grow in your faith, and you grow in the knowledge of your true self. So, so to speak, don't be afraid of your fear.

We leave you with a blessing that is our way of invoking, provoking the light in you. May you be blessed now and in every moment with the awareness of the peace of the Christ Light in your heart. May we suggest that in this moment you breathe, and feel the presence of that which we have invoked. The rest, as you would say, is commentary.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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