A Balance To Be Found
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light at your command. Light never to leave you. Why do we make this invocation? It is to remind you and give you, as you would say, a mantra.

No Hidden Agenda
To start the day, let’s join hands. Pay attention. Pay attention to the circle. Pay attention to the feeling, the sensations. Pay attention to what we have won here creating a circle of individuals joined in the heart. Not a small thing, a small thing.

The Journey of Healing
Light upon you. Light through you. Light for you. Light with you. Light coming to you in a concentrated being when you learn the art of humbly calling.

Experience Your Garden
We ask you to suspend, temporarily, the act of thinking. At least to disengage temporarily from your fascination with it, your commitment to it. Not because there is anything wrong with it, that is not a concept that we use in this space, but because it has its limitations.
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