No Hidden Agenda

No Hidden Agenda

To start the day, let’s join hands. Pay attention. Pay attention to the circle. Pay attention to the feeling, the sensations. Pay attention to what we have won here creating a circle of individuals joined in the heart. Not a small thing, a small thing. Nothing, but not nothing. And how simple. Simply allowing the space to open and choosing to bring are truthful selves forward.

What is the reward of all this? The possibility of healing; the possibility of learning; the possibility of becoming students; aware, awake students of the heart not just in this room, not just in this small circle, not just for these few days. And that, as you would say, has ripples. Is not your world most in need of these ripples of the heart? Can you think of a place you are called to be, a circle you are called to enter, as we would say, the nest you are called to inhabit that cannot benefit, will not benefit from your bringing these ripples of the heart to it.

Of course, there is a risk. Of course, there is a risk. The risk is a system that you enter into, the circle you enter into that may have, will have, probably will have its own matrix established may be challenged, may begin to ripple with the ripples. That makes you a bringer of light. The art you are learning here of grounding, centering, assessing accurately what is intuition and what is other will serve you well as you do what you are called to do.

There is, as you would say, no hidden agenda. No one is seeking to tell you what you should say. We can encourage you. We can give you options. If you choose to trust us, we may even speak through you. All that is up to you. As we have said and will say again, it is the vibration, the sensation of the heart brought to bear upon, in, through the place that you are called to be that is, so to speak, the revolutionary act. So we ask you to remember as you do your work for this day, that there is a greater purpose. Some of you may have to reveal, discharge, let go of things you have carried that you have regarded as precious because they have protected you.  Don't treat them with scorn, be grateful but clear that their job is now obsolete.

May you be blessed now as you are and so may you recognize the peace of the Christ Light in your hearts. May you realize, manifest that light which has always lived within you. May it grow from a point of light to a sun inside you. We leave you in this peace, but we do not leave. We are as close as you wish us to be. We will never leave you, you can come and go as you choose. As you say, Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

A Balance To Be Found


The Journey of Healing