A Balance To Be Found

A Balance To Be Found

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light at your command. Light never to leave you. Why do we make this invocation? It is to remind you and give you, as you would say, a mantra. Some of you have mantras from other languages and other traditions. The invitation is to add to it. Light within me. Light around me. Light through me. Light to guide me. Life with me always.

We have been sent here to take you on your next steps, but not to have you follow a person or an idea. Our teaching is that you are the one walking your path. That you choose to walk it with others is a blessing. We encourage this. We create these circles and other circles on earth so you can know the reality that you are not alone. That you can know the strength of unity. That you can have a safe space to do the blessed work that you have been given to do in your own transformation and in the great task space for the transformation of all. And yet, we also recognize the blessing of your individual encasement. We recognize that you made the request long ago to have the experience of identity.

And so we give you this blessing for you to have the opportunity to fully explore that request.   We do warn you of the trap of isolation. There are those around you and there are those in you that would have you believe that you are somehow different; that your problems are unique, that you can't trust others to care for you, to tell you the truth, to help you up when you fall, so therefore You must as you would say do it yourself. There is, so to speak, a scale, a balance to be found. The individual responsibility of choosing your path, walking your path, placing your will upon your life, making the choices that present themselves to you. We encourage this and we do what we can to be your helpers to give you a wider perspective, to give you broader knowledge, to give you a vision within the rules. And yet, and yet, and yet, you are not alone.

Never have you walked alone. Feel now the connection of your heart in this circle. Feel the other heart. Perhaps you have been here long enough you can hardly tell the difference between your heart and the next. That is the other side of the balance. Extend the awareness of your heart to the trees around you to the creatures that inhabit those trees in that forest, to the waters below you, to the waters in the distance, to the sun, to the moon, to the stars, to the planets. All vibrate with the same light. All vibrate with the same light. All vibrate with the same light.

You are known. You are felt. You are held even in your suffering, even in your misery, even in your challenges. We are giving you the tools to hold that balance of your individual life within your collective unitary reality. The place where all of this meets, as you know, as you are learning, and as we hope you will take with you and make it a practice to engender, all that comes together in your heart. All that comes together in that heart which even now has been freed from its thought cage; its belief prison. Your individual choice is do you choose to trust this that you are experiencing, that you are feeling. Do you choose to trust it beyond the boundaries of this room? Some of you have been thinking I can’t imagine how that can be.  Our advice is don’t imagine, try it.

We leave you in this moment with this blessing: All creation is created by, is being created by, and is continually blessed by at its heart the peace of the Christ Light. When you find that peace in you through that place of humility that oftentimes is obscured with clouds of emotions and thought, but when you make the gentle concerted effort to find that place in the center of your heart you are linked in that moment to that universal current of the peace of the Christ light. That is the essential unity underlying all creation in all of its varied forms, its varied expressions. What a glorious world you inhabit. What a glorious vehicle you have been given. What a glorious choice you are making for you and for the benefit of all.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


Reach for the Light


No Hidden Agenda