How Will You Remember
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light through you. Light for you. Light with you. Light to guide you home. We ask you to contemplate the following: how will you remember? We talked about this at the beginning. How will you remember?

There is No Limit
Light around you. Light within you. Light to guide you home. Light to remind you. We have spoken to you of the collaboration that takes place on so many levels when you enter into the matrix of this work. We ask you to pay attention in this moment to what has been called your channel, your spiritual doorway.

To Read Out Loud the Declaration of Peace
Light of Christ upon you and in this moment most importantly Light of Christ in your heart. The message up this day is in what you are feeling. Everything that we bring to you brings you to this place of knowing the vibrational reality of your own being.

Transmutation of Matter
Light upon you. Light upon, Light Within. In this moment, light to remind you call up memory in your bodies. The memory of what happens when you come together to reform the nest. It is even this we would leave you with just as we began with this. What happens when you join heart to heart to heart?

Seek to Reflect the Beauty That Already Is
As you sit here awaiting the message, we would direct you to the fact that you already are receiving the message. The message comes with the light, but the message is the light. And that which the light stimulates in you -the feelings, the thoughts, the inspirations, the realizations, the epiphanies, the humility -all of these are the message that the light engenders.

The Willing Heart
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ arriving here as you open your hearts and recreate the container, the vessel, the unified heart. As you can feel sitting in your Sacred Circle, you carry within you a memory, a vibrational memory. All memory is, infact, vibrational. As is, of course, everything else.

What is Real?
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ to heal you. Light of Christ to awaken your memory through the vibration. This is because this vibration, this light has, so to speak, followed you through all your lives, tracked you, brought you here to receive its full measure, waiting upon you to finish the business of this life and others to arrive at this very moment, this moment now. What a journey you have had. The parts you remember consciously and the parts you remember vibrationally.

Light Is Your Professor
It is light that has taught you all this. It is light that is your professor. It is light that is your guide. All those that you call your guides come in the name and in the vibration of light. You know that light is not a metaphor.

A Balance To Be Found
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light at your command. Light never to leave you. Why do we make this invocation? It is to remind you and give you, as you would say, a mantra.

Building A Relationship To The Divine Vibration Of Light
The Light surrounding you, has come again has it not? What did you do to deserve it? Is that not a concept in your world, is that not a prison in your world, the idea of deserving, or not deserving, earning, not earning, your measure?

Trust There Is a Plan
Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ in you, Light of Christ with you, Light of Christ of you. Light of Christ to guide you, heal you, comfort you. All of this is possible, as you now know, with a single breath, with a single awareness.

Recognizing the Vibration of Love
Light upon you. Light within you. Light, as you would say, even at your beck and call. If in fact it is true, and it is true, that Light is infinite, then of course it would be at your beck and call because also Light has no opinion, as it has been said.

What Are You Waiting For?
Universal light inside you. Universal light making up the substance, so to speak, of all of your layers. And not just the layers that you are being taught to assess and access here, but those layers of consciousness where you live in multiple places, so to speak, in multiple levels.

Actively Cultivating Your Relationship To Light
When the Light descends upon you, or as some of you would prefer, when the Light is activated in you, how do you respond? Do you question its truthfulness? Does it activate your imagination? Does it raise more questions than are answered by its presence?

What Do You Need?
Does your discernment include this moment? In this moment when this light has descended upon you. When the feelings that it generates in you are not dramatic- are subtle. A calming of your being, a gentle expansion of what you have called your chakras, your centers.

Light Is Not a Metaphor
You have been taught already and will be taught that light is not a metaphor. But what is this light? Where does it come from? It would not be wrong to say that it comes from inside you. After all, you are in your essence one with everything, with every creature, therefore the light comes from inside you in the greatest sense.

Where Have You Been Until Now?
Welcome to all of you and welcome to all the members of the team arriving here step by step slowly. You have all done the work you needed to do to arrive here- overcoming, in some cases, the resistance of your ego, the busyness of your lives,
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