How Will You Remember

How Will You Remember

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light through you. Light for you. Light with you. Light to guide you home. We ask you to contemplate the following: how will you remember? We talked about this at the beginning. How will you remember? You have your drops. (Reference to the bio-energetic drops which contain the vibration of Aguia Branca disseminated to GOTB students).

It does seem that there is a bridge between spirit and matter that comes in many forms. A nest is a place. And living in the material world, a place is a good thing to have, but the nest-you’ve been doing this long enough you know what I’m going to say-the nest is in your heart. The nest is in your remembering, your gratitude. There are times when the bird puts its nest in a tree and that tree dies or that tree is unfortunately cut down or that tree burns in the natural process of things. The bird can be disoriented. The bird in its own way can even mourn, but then what does it do? It goes and it finds another place, a compatible place, maybe even a better place, more protected. And it builds another nest.

Each of you is invited. Each of you has been blessed through your dedication, through your willingness to look, to see, to feel, to place your prayers upon the altar not knowing how those prayers would be answered. Because when you make your prayer, you activate that which has been stagnant. Each of you has been blessed and each of you has been invited first to turn your nest, your home, your own tree into a place of sacred light-filled welcoming. Each bird has its way of making its nest and each nest serves that particular species. And you are invited, encouraged and you have company if you wish to turn the other places you inhabit also into nests that welcome light-your places of work, your families.

When you look at the sky you see the stars. Each spot of light joins together in the mystery of Universal Harmony. By making your nest available to light, you automatically link through the threads that have been spoken about to the other points of light, the other nests. For some of you that may be enough, enough to remember. Some others of you may feel to continue making this work available to others. Your gratitude expressed through programs or invitations, words, deeds. We did not come here to recruit you. We came here to gift you, to call you to the remembrance of your own exquisite light, your potential while you are in your blessed vehicles. And we would, if you choose, continue to help you in ways that benefit all including you.

Each nest can be an improvement on the previous one. A place for more light, a place for more harmony, hearts joined together, in that sense an experiment. You are blessed with the peace of Christs in your hearts and it is this gift that we would wish for you to construct your life to remember. There are many distractions. There are many excuses for you to forget. The peace of Christ is not something that you can buy. It is not something that you can conjure. It is something you can remember, call, invite. Basically when you help someone, when they come to you for help, you are finding that peace in you and embracing that one. Not to take their pain away but to remind them also of what lives in them. You are blessed. You will continue to be blessed. Whether you receive that blessing can depend on the nest that you create inside and around you to remember.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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