There is No Limit

There is No Limit

Light around you. Light within you. Light to guide you home. Light to remind you. We have spoken to you of the collaboration that takes place on so many levels when you enter into the matrix of this work. We ask you to pay attention in this moment to what has been called your channel, your spiritual doorway. Feel that even in this moment, there is a collaboration going on an internal one, so to speak, from your side to open, to push upward, to stretch, and an awaiting force, an awaiting presence welcoming that opening, waiting for the channel to get wide enough so that the communication you wish can happen with minimal interference.

There is a tendency in your world to take lightly things which are serious and to make serious things which don’t deserve it. To open your channel to receive those beings who come is a serious undertaking; not something to be done because you experience yourself as lonely, but because you are dedicating yourself to the light beyond your own portion of it and to the bringing ofthat light to bear on your world for the benefit of those who are ready to receive it and even those who are not.

Because when you open this doorway, you, so to speak, sign a contract to be available. We do not take our side lightly because for us to enter into communing with you, also puts us into transformational processes. We evolve with you. We refine our way of working just as you do. It has been shown by the ones who have come before you, to be a medium for light is not all, as you would say, fun and games. You will, your own transformation will be accelerated.

Unfortunately but inevitably, there will be disturbances in your own field that you must navigate. The system, so to speak, is not perfect. Interference can enter when you open your channel. The opportunity is presented to you to increase and refine your ability of discerning and especially to refine, grow your own connection with that most subtle and most powerful mechanism of your heart. Is this not the main teaching that we bring and thatwe would bring through to others? That the heart is that place of discernment of the assessing of truth, of the refuge from the cacophony of the world and of your mind; and in fact, a place of power when joined with other hearts. We would ask you to refine this teaching. Make it available to those who are ready to receive it. Use the skills you have gained, the most important which is your dedication, your faith.

There is no limit to what this relationship can become except that the gift of your body does have its limitations and its needs. We are learning to respect that. And we even ask you to forgive us in the awkwardness of the learning to be in relationship with you. Can you accept that a Being dedicated to light, from your perspective so elevated,would also ask for forgiveness? Why not? Forgiveness is, as you are experiencing, a universal force; and therefore, error, so to speak, is also a universal force.

Feel once again the presence of that force of forgiveness. As we have said, it is our purpose, it is our wish that you become familiar with these vibratory nuances as this one has said. Because that is the place we meet in the place of these subtle vibrations. This is what we share beyond our mutual commitment to the healing and elevation of all beings. We meet in the place of vibratory nuance. You see it is not your prayers, it is not the words of your prayers, or even the words of your songs that create the space where we meet. It is the entering into the vibratory nuance that exists at the heart of all creation and within all creation, and there we meet. And there we can examine, develop this collaboration.

May you be blessed now even more deeply with that which we have called the peace of Christ. It is there that you meet that one who is you and is all.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

How Will You Remember


For the Benefit of All