For the Benefit of All

For the Benefit of All

Light upon you. Light within you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to remind you of where you came from and where you will return. You are in a temporary stopover to pick up supplies for the next part of your journey. Those supplies are the pieces of knowledge, experiences. They are what you will take with you when your journey continues. What you will not take with you, because they will have no use to you, are the many thoughts and opinions that you may have also gathered but they are simply the moss on the stone. They can color your experience, but they are not the experience itself.

You are making your stopover as full as possible by opening your eyes wider, most particularly opening your heart, your awareness, your consciousness, stretching the limits of the incarnate vehicle, testing the limits which are, as we have said far far greater, far wider, far deeper than you have until now imagined. Yet today, we would simply remind you of the quiet place, still place, resting place that is also within you, within that vehicle. It can be most tempting as you are here for a limited time to fill every moment with the external gaining of experience. There is, as you would say, nothing wrong with that. Yet there is the place that you are touching now, that place of calm, certain stillness that, as you know, makes the gaining of that experience much richer. Because from that place you can assess and access the many levels that exist in each experience. As you know this place of stillness, this place of quiet, this place of calm, this place of peace, is not a place of passivity. It requires courage, commitment, discipline, awareness to commit yourself to cultivating, nurturing that place in you from which all those experiences can be held and made use of. The more options you are afforded, the more distractions you are tempted to allow.

We do not say anything different here than you have heard before that many of your wise ones have said for many many many years, but we offer you as best we can for infact we are learning as well, is the experience held in the sacred nest of that place of stillness, of quiet, of calm inside the space that you call your heart. We call you to this for you to feel it, know it, and pledge yourself to remember this place, this space which has, of course, always existed in you. We are not planting it. We are revealing it. We are not creating it. We are simply turning your gaze inward and having the experience with you of this place of universal peace. All beings have this place in their heart be they in possession of a body or not. The place of peace resides in your body but it is not of your body. You brought it with you and you will take it with you when your stopover is done.

And it is from this place from cultivating this space in you that you are available for the arrival of the nuances of universal energy-when forgiveness arrives, when faith arrives. These are simply names that you have given that we agreed to discuss these things by. When they arrive, it is from thisbasic place of peace, this fundamental place of humble peace that you can recognize this slight shift in vibratory emanation that will then give you the ability to be the collaborator in what those emanations would do for the benefit of all. That is your power, that is your strength, the power of collaboration, the power of recognition, and the power of the ability to teach others of the reality of what they have until now only believe were concepts. This is the gift we have brought. This is the gift we wish for you to take with you. And it is the gift that we would come to enhance and teach others if you can commit yourself to recreating this nest.

So simply breathe in this space. Where are all your thoughts? Have they calmed? Have they flown away? Orhave they simply become irrelevant in the expanding space of peace that you and your fellows are sharing. What more do you need in this moment here now? Where are your pains, your traumas, your concerns here now? May you be blessed from this moment forward, every time you remember this space, with the peace of Christ in your hearts. For that is in fact what we are nurturing here. Call it what you will, but call it up from inside you.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

There is No Limit


Remember the Simple Calling of Your Heart