Remember the Simple Calling of Your Heart

Remember the Simple Calling of Your Heart

It is the state of being an incarnate human, is it not, to forget. Forgetting is not a sin. Forgetting is an inevitable part of having many opportunities to focus on different things. It is our wish, so to speak, to implant in you a mechanism that will remind you of your heart, will call you to your heart, amidst the other distractions. Some of them, of course, are important and many of them simply distractions. We would wish for you a sign, a signal to remind you, wherever you are, of the pledge you made and the experiences you had of putting your heart in the seat of your vehicle.

Perhaps the gift of your drops will serve for that, but then you have to remember to take them. How many drops, pills, potions, devices, books are sitting somewhere, maybe youdon't remember even where they are, because it is the nature of humans to forget. How will you remember your heart? When you come to this nest, you are reminded because it is the commitment of those who have maintained this nest for so long that it should be a place of heart. That what goes on here, what is done here, what is sung, and thought, performed should be dedicated to the heart, dedicated to bring those who come here into the space and then helping to remember. We would encourage you to create those signs, perhaps literally a sign, perhaps symbolically a sign. So that in the midst of so many opportunities for distraction, so many thoughts pulling you in so many directions, so many confusions in your world, so many masks to be pulled off, seen under, you can remember the simple calling of your heart.

By design the call of the heart is quieter. By design the call of the heart does not shout, scream, demand, because the nature of the heart is humility, compassion, calmness, faith, surrender, forgiveness. None of these demand, they invite, they await. You do not live in a world of waiting. You live in a world of demanding, demonstrating, showing. All of which has its place. All of which can be beautiful, unless it doesn't have heart. In which case, a large percentage of the beauty that could be is forgotten.

So in these days together in this time in this nest, full of memory, we would call you again and again to that simple heart place in you, place among you. We would, of course, never abandon you. It is not possible, because you are linked to us through the work you have done, through the pledge you have made, through the prayers you have suffered for. And yet we would encourage you to create your nest even more compatible with this vibration, so that although we do not abandon you, we would come to visit you in your nest. To be part of the work you have been given to do, not just in the confines of your ceremonial spaces, of your places of work, but we would invite you into the experiment of a spiritualized life.

When you are here among those who care for you, who wish you well, who are committed to the same thing as you are, it is easier to identify the thoughts that come from other levels that are flying through your world. The thoughts, the feelings, the opinions, the judgments, the criticisms, it’s easier to remember that the heart has none of that, does not allow any of that by filling up the vibratory space with those other qualities. And while we encourage you very strongly to bring your hearthere fully, completely, totally, this place is not the challenge. This space is sacred, has been made sacred by your commitment to it, to enter it, as we have said. It is the other spaces, the spaces of your day-to-day life, the spaces of your not so dedicated nests. So we encourage you in these days, solidify your relationship to your heart, solidify your relationship to what we have taught you that you have come to call the tactics. The challenges of your world are increasing and will increase. The necessity of recognizing what has heart and what does not and choosing wisely will only accelerate in these next days. The opportunities to forget can come moment by moment, thought by thought.

You are blessed at this moment and in all the moments that you doremember with the peace of Christ in your hearts. We do encourage you to treat that as a precious gift. Although in fact, it is something that is inherent in you that you are awakening and joining with its greater emanation. All beings have the spark. All beings have the implantation of the same vibration that you are feeling now. It is from that place that you can seek and find unity or at least peace. May you be blessed now in these days and as you go forth with the ability to remember that peace and instantly call it up in you in every situation. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

For the Benefit of All


To Read Out Loud the Declaration of Peace