To Read Out Loud the Declaration of Peace

To Read Out Loud the Declaration of Peace

Light of Christ upon you and in this moment most importantly Light of Christ in your heart. The message up this day is in what you are feeling. Everything that we bring to you brings you to this place of knowing the vibrational reality of your own being. You have been given the information that you require to do what you choose In this world wherever it is that you are called to be. We do not mean by this that you should abandon the nest, but understand that all of this, all of the conversation, all of the transformation, all of the contemplation is designed, at its best, to bring you to the recognition of the Peace of Christ in your hearts.

It is our observation that what is most lacking at this moment on your Earth is that true appreciation, apprehension, understanding and reception of peace in the heart. Because when peace in the heart is felt, appreciated, received, that peace will demand a place in your life. It will demand, urge a nest dedicated to that peace being able to be present in all who come into it. Each of you has prayed to be a bringer of peace. It is, of course, your right observation that the history of humanity continues to be one of conflict-inner and among. And so all of the solutions that are proposed, all the brilliant ideas generated by the third chakra eventually return to the space of conflict. You are learning in you, in your own vehicles, how to mediate the conflict.

Each of you has what can be conflicting impulses, conflicting ideas, conflicting voices. How can you be bringersof peace in the outer nests, unless you are in the process of learning to bring peace in your inner nest, your inner universe? And so all that we have taught, all that we will teach, all the conversation, contemplation, inspiration, has as a central purpose to awaken the awareness, the felt sense, as you would say, of the Peace of Christ in your hearts, the nest of peace. This one has said, “peace is not the absence of conflict, peace is its own state.” Peace is not passive. The declaration of peace in your own vehicle, in your own inner nest, the exertion of your higher will to read out loud the declaration of peace inside you. The calling of the conference of all the conflicting voices, all the various impulses to the conference in the heart where the vibration of the Peace of Christ has been planted. This, we propose to you, is a great step on the path of your own transformation, on the path of your own knowledge, and on the path of your healership.

The external peace conferences that happen in your world cannot actually bring peace, because those involved in the conference are at war inside themselves. So we ask you to cultivate the space of humility which is at the center of the nest of your heart. Cultivate that place of humility. Humility is comfortable with not knowing. Humility has no need to impress, to put on a show. Humility is satisfied to be at peace. To allow each being, each one the respect, the sovereign respect afforded to each being by the offering of love that is accessed through humility.

May you be blessed as you are blessed with the Peace of Christ in your hearts. May you recognize that peace as always has been present. May you embrace it, live in it, bathe in it. And from that, awaken the ability to recognize the variations in thevibration of light to be able to offer them, call them, eventually, into whatever space you inhabit, to become the collaborators, the co-creators of vibratory healing.

To do this, you must, if you choose, dedicate yourself to sitting calmly in the spaceof the Peace of Christ in your hearts. You are being given a great, great opportunity to be the collaborators, the co-creators in this experiment in vibratory healing. Imagine what it will be like to call Forgiveness, then have Forgiveness come to a placethat seems intractably conflictual; to call Compassion to a place of pain, to call Faith to a place of doubt, to call Mercy to a place of desperation. We offer this to you as the eventual result of the dedication you have shown, the humility you have cultivated, the honesty with which you have confronted that which has been an impediment to your arriving at your heart. We ask you to continue this inhabiting of this nest, for it gives us an opportunity to come. And if it is your choice to not inhabit this nest, to create nests in your own place, your own tree so that this teaching may continue, and you may become, each of you, Bringers of the Peace of Christ on Earth. Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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