To Read Out Loud the Declaration of Peace
Light of Christ upon you and in this moment most importantly Light of Christ in your heart. The message up this day is in what you are feeling. Everything that we bring to you brings you to this place of knowing the vibrational reality of your own being.

Receiving the Gift
Light upon you. Light within you. Light to heal you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to illuminate corners of your being. You are receiving, are you not, many gifts. A true gift is something freely given that is of good use to the one receiving it and is precious to the one delivering it. This is a true gift.

How do You Define Life
Light upon you. Light to teach you. Light to comfort you in the moment of need. Though, we would ask you this day how do you define life? Is life what is made up of the parts of your identity? Is life what you do? Is life what it looks like?

The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill
Each of you has been enrolled as a student in good standing in the school of the heart. The school is, in fact, both kindergarten and a university. If you remember when you were in kindergarten and you went out to recess, you went to where you felt to go. If you wanted to swing on the swings, you went to the swings. If you wanted to go down the slide, you went down the slide. If you wanted to play catch with another one, that's what you did.

Creating a Space for Your Relationship to Light
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to guide you. Light in this moment to comfort you. Light to give you a perspective -wider, broader. Light to bring you peace, to calm that which perturbs you, to calm that which would agitate you. Light is what you would call multi-purpose, multi-use.

Mediumship is Relationship
What you call mediumship, we call relationship. What to you is strange, intriguing, we call reality. If we say to you that the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the Earth are contained in you vibrationally, would you not agree with that statement?

What is Real?
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ to heal you. Light of Christ to awaken your memory through the vibration. This is because this vibration, this light has, so to speak, followed you through all your lives, tracked you, brought you here to receive its full measure, waiting upon you to finish the business of this life and others to arrive at this very moment, this moment now. What a journey you have had. The parts you remember consciously and the parts you remember vibrationally.

Receiving Information of Vibratory Reality
Blessings be upon you as you take the next steps on your path of healing. Light be with you, light be in you, light be around you, light be from you, light be for you. The opportunity presented by starting anew is to bring your awareness to the steps of the renewal as you reform your new nest.

Recognize the Light
Light upon you, Light within you, Light to heal you, Light to comfort you, Light to remind you always. But memory is not, in this case, the memory of pictures, the memory of situations. The higher you go in the realms of Light the less the pictures matter. Pictures in memory call you into the identity of yourself in relation to those memories and yet to, so to speak, rise up in the realms of Light.

Recognizing the Vibration of Love
Light upon you. Light within you. Light, as you would say, even at your beck and call. If in fact it is true, and it is true, that Light is infinite, then of course it would be at your beck and call because also Light has no opinion, as it has been said.

Light Is Your Friend
Light is your friend. What does that mean? Because a friend, a true friend, tells you the truth. A true friend illuminates what is real, what is true and trusts you to accommodate yourself to that truth, holds the space for your reaction, doesn't turn its back when you fall into reactivity, gives you the space to come back to your heart and examine the truth without judgment. So Light is your friend.
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