Receiving the Gift

Receiving the Gift

Light upon you. Light within you. Light to heal you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to illuminate corners of your being. You are receiving, are you not, many gifts. A true gift is something freely given that is of good use to the one receiving it and is precious to the one delivering it. This is a true gift. To give away something you need or something you don't like anymore is one level of gifting. To give something that is precious to you because you know that it is of great use to the one in need this is a level of gifting that brings with it great blessings to all concerned.

Are you not receiving the gift of being able to recognize the presence of the Divine vibrations that you have given names to such as compassion, forgiveness, mercy? Are you not slowly developing sensors unfolding the antennae revealing the feathers that can feel the shifting winds? This is a gift freely given, but this gift does not diminish its quantity by its giving. In fact, it increases the blessing for all concerned.

We would urge you, guide you if you allow us to make this gift among your most precious. We would give you this image: if you are in a dark room and an invisible hand begins to raise the level of the light in the room, even with your eyes closed,you begin to feel, sense the difference in the atmosphere. Slowly the light illuminates, slowly the light gets brighter. And you have a sense that something is different. Or if you are in that same room, and it's cold and slowly the heat begins to increase, you have sensors that tell you something is different even before, even before you can identify what the difference is. If you are in a quiet place and a very distant small sound starts to be present, even before you can identify that something is different in the sound, you have a feeling to pay attention, your ears as you would say perk up. You have the sensors beyond these common senses. You have a built-in sensor that can tell you that the atmosphere, the energetic as you would say, spiritual atmosphere is changing. It is, as you would say, a matter of paying attention. It is, as a matter of saying it this way, receiving the gift.

Honoring the gift you are being given of the awakening of this ability to sense the change in the vibrational atmospherefrom a place that you are in or even inside your own self. We do announce ourselves when we arrive. But if you have surrounded yourself with the cacophony of distraction, you won’t hear, feel, sense, know that the vibrational atmosphere is changing. So what is your responsibility if you wish to receive this gift? It is first of all to examine the reality to be truthful In your own inner assessment as to whether you wish to be someone who has this ability.

Why would you want it? Why would you want it? To be of use and also to be awake. Both of them serve the greater whole. To be of use means to be part of the team dedicated to healing, dedicated to the relief of suffering, dedicated to the planting, growing, and nurturing of light on earth. To be awakening also benefits all. Starting with you but expanding to all those also in the process of the same. Why would you want to receive this gift? Why would you want to become part of the team? Of course, as you know, it comes with the necessity of examining yourlife, examining your habits, examining your work, examining your relationships so that you can be that conduit for light. It is, in that sense, a challenge not easy at times. And to be awake, which means to be aware increasingly of the multilayers of reality and be able to interact with them requires, as you know and as some of you here are experiencing now, transformation of the density that keeps you from being able to assess, feel, know those vibrational nuances. It is, as you would say, entirely up to you, but you have come to this nest with an intention. The invitation that we give you as you leave this nest is to assess more deeply, choose even more wisely. The gift is offered.

To know when you walk into a room what the atmosphere is, and what it is calling for, and what is waiting to make itself present, makes you a secret healer simply by your presence, simply by being available to take what arrives and plant it in the center of that space. To plant compassion when it arrives, to plant mercy when itarrives, especially to plant forgiveness when it arrives and to secure that vibration by joining it, welcoming it, speaking it if necessary. That is to be of use.

So breathe now. Many of you have been drinking your drops in the hope of what? In the invocation of what? Not just out of curiosity, not just out of your coming from your culture of consumption. Is it not to be able to increase your ability to receive the gift?

When the vibration arrives, when you feel the light increasing, when you feel theheat growing, when you hear the bell ringing in the distance, stop, breathe. The first step is to stop what you are doing, what you are thinking, what you are engaging in, and give honor to the moment. Second step is to open yourself. You know how to do this, invoke your tactics to become a receptor for that which is arriving. Third step is to ask gently inside yourself “what is this”’ Not as a way of thinking about it, but as a way of setting a tone so that as the bell rings, as the heat rises, as the light increases, you are developing the subtlety to recognize the difference in each vibrational offering.

You have already in you, each one of these vibrations. All that happens as the light changes, as the sound changes, as the heat changes, as the vibration changes is that it resonates. There is a resonance in you that is called into activity, called into awareness. And so the gift is the awakening of your own innate, vibrational array. You are blessed with the foundational vibration of all the peace of Christ in your hearts.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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