Make Yourself Available
This nest that you built, that you now are remembering, and by your remembering recreating it, this nest is delicate. It requires your attention. It requires your remembering. Pay attention to the miracle of memory. Not just memory of thought.

Partner in the Mission
Light upon you. Light Within you. Light surrounding you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to show you the way. Can you feel now the fullness of your nest? Can you feel how the nest itself rejoices when all the birds have come back to be in it?

The Miracle of Memory
This nest that you built, that you now are remembering, and by your remembering recreating it, this nest is delicate. It requires your attention. It requires your remembering. Pay attention to the miracle of memory.

Trust There Is a Plan
Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ in you, Light of Christ with you, Light of Christ of you. Light of Christ to guide you, heal you, comfort you. All of this is possible, as you now know, with a single breath, with a single awareness.

What Are You Waiting For?
Universal light inside you. Universal light making up the substance, so to speak, of all of your layers. And not just the layers that you are being taught to assess and access here, but those layers of consciousness where you live in multiple places, so to speak, in multiple levels.
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