Make Yourself Available

Make Yourself Available

This nest that you built, that you now are remembering, and by your remembering recreating it, this nest is delicate. It requires your attention. It requires your remembering. Pay attention to the miracle of memory. Not just memory of thought. Memory of thought is a part of memory but not the most important part. The most important part is the memory of your bodies. The miracle occurring right now right in this moment as you remember what it feels like to sit in this circle. To recreate by that memory the nest of safety, the nest of holding, the nest where what needs to be born, and on the way, what needs to crack open to be born, can happen, held in the softness of the vibration and yet the strength of the container.

This is why we teach you what we have called the tactics. To give you the ability to allow the space for memory to come forth, and of course, not just the memory of a space, but the memory, of course, of who you are, the memory of the spaces you have occupied at other times on other planes.

Your body is a vehicle. It also is an encumbrance. It is in the bringing forth of the memory of others spaces-spaces that some of you would call the astral, some of you would call the spiritual planes, Some of you would call your true home-it is in bringing forth those memories within the confines of your bodies that transcends the aspect of encumbrance. These tactics we've given you, these alignments that we have encouraged you to explore, bring you into, as we have said, the core of your bodily experience. Underneath the weight of your matter is the glory of vibration.

We do not pretend to say that by doing what we have taught you all of your problems, as you define them, your issues as you call them, will disappear. Because your bodies carry other memories, memories of what you call trauma, memories of what you call pain. Memories of other lives still to be resolved in the issues that were not resolved then. All of these are contained in the miracle of the vehicle you have come to inhabit and now becoming slowly the commander of. So we do not pretend to tell you that we are giving you the solution to all of that. What we are giving you is the space to inhabit, to do the work you came to do, and not be swamped, overwhelmed, controlled by, run by as youwould say, those other memories.

To free you to make the choices of how you will spend your time, your energy, your resources, while you inhabit this blessed vehicle. That is why we give you these tactics, these alignments to Increase true choice. As you have entered this nest, your choice is obvious. You choose to come in and open your heart, to remember, actually to accede to the memory. Because the memory comes as soon as you sit in your circle. You say yes to that memory. Now say yes to the memory of your center, your core. Say yes to the memory of the space of your heart. say yes to the memory of resting your third eye upon your heart which is being held by your core which is now grounded on earth. Say yes to those memories. They live in you. now say yes to the memory of the opening of your vertical Channel. Now say yes to the memory of breathing into all of that; integrating all of that into one configuration. Making your focus what is underneath all of those bodies. Now one more memory-say yes tothe memory of the peace of Christ in your hearts.

Each of you, we know, has your life processes that you are navigating, utilizing, going through. We honor you for the awareness, the consciousness, the peacefulness with which you are doing that. And weare reminding you, if you say yes to the memory, how you can hold all that and how you can join together in this nest, in this sacred safe circle to allow all of that to be held gently, safely, calmly, and as we have taught in the space of compassion. Feel what happens when we remind you of that space. Does it not live in you? Is it not available even in this moment? How could it be otherwise? You are children of the Divine One, of the Divine Oneness, of the Divine Unity. May you be blessed with memory. And may you remember in that memory to say yes.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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