Make Yourself Available
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

Make Yourself Available

This nest that you built, that you now are remembering, and by your remembering recreating it, this nest is delicate. It requires your attention. It requires your remembering. Pay attention to the miracle of memory. Not just memory of thought.

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The Miracle of Memory
GOTB, MD, 2019 Essential Light Institute GOTB, MD, 2019 Essential Light Institute

The Miracle of Memory

This nest that you built, that you now are remembering, and by your remembering recreating it, this nest is delicate. It requires your attention. It requires your remembering. Pay attention to the miracle of memory.

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Pay Attention
OR, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute OR, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute

Pay Attention

The purpose of meditation is to create an inner space, allow the creation of an inner space, where what is naturally present can make its appearance. The same could be said of all true healing modalities. We create an ambience, an atmosphere, inner and outer, where what is ready to happen can be welcomed.

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Activation of Healership
MD, GOTB, 2017 Essential Light Institute MD, GOTB, 2017 Essential Light Institute

Activation of Healership

Light upon you. Light to illuminate all the corners of your house. We are calling here the dust, neglected material, that which was put aside stuck in a closet even left to rot in the hopes that it would disappear. You came into this world waiting to be fed, to be nurtured, to be taught.

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There is a Jewel
MD, GOTB, 2017 Essential Light Institute MD, GOTB, 2017 Essential Light Institute

There is a Jewel

Find that posture that subtle yet knowable noticeable alignment inside you that will make you receptive to what we bring you at this moment. Your ears are serving that inner alignment. Your breath is serving that inner alignment. You're preparing your inner territory- yes, to hear the word said, but more importantly to receive the vibrational information.

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