Activation of Healership

Activation of Healership

Light upon you. Light to illuminate all the corners of your house. We are calling here the dust, neglected material, that which was put aside stuck in a closet even left to rot in the hopes that it would disappear. You came into this world waiting to be fed, to be nurtured, to be taught. Your consciousness was a blank slate, but the curriculum had been prepared for your life to write upon for your path to unfold through experience to bring you to this moment where your faith is being augmented, your compassion illuminated, the place of calmness, underneath the underneath the underneath, available to you through the divine simple mechanism of breath.

The light you are receiving at this moment that is Illuminating all those corners, augmenting all those qualities, it has been with you all along.  How do you think you've managed to escape the Dark Places? Leave behind at least a portion of your sorrow?  Each of you is becoming familiar with the nest of your heart. Each of you is developing rapidly the ability to enter that nest, rest in that nest to place your awareness in that nest of your heart with a thought, with a breath.

You are ready now to place upon that nest, to place upon that altar, what you call your third eye- that amazing mechanism of perception, insight, confusion, fantasy, accuracy, imagination, power that even now as you breathe in your heart, as you place your heart on the pedestal of your groundedness, even now…..  1 2 3 5 7 9 of the many, many petals of that incredible flower are being activated, cleaned, opened. As we said at the beginning, the corners of your house are being cleaned so that what you perceive, is less influenced by the filter of the dust. It is, as you say, a mixed bag to open your perception so fully. Of course, everything at its heart is an emanation of the one Divine Heart, and yet its appearance can sometimes be shocking, can sometimes be disturbing, can sometimes create a reaction of fear if that perception is not held in the nest of the heart. 

When the little bird peers out over the edge of the nest, it knows that its mother is holding it.  It knows the safety of the nest. So when it sees the wide world with all of its complications and all of its implications, it knows where it can come back to.  So here we are together in this nest, let's practice. Breathe. Activate the  nest of your heart. Activate the pedestal upon which that nest rests, the tree with its roots deep in the Earth. Now come to the top of the tree, feel, see the sunlight.

 Rooted in the Earth; resting in the nest.

Don’t try. What you are going through at this moment is a natural evolution, a natural step in the formation of your inner alignment- the activation of your healership. You are not making it; you are allowing it. You are not creating it; you are collaborating in it.  Breathe. Observe. Rest in the nest held in the tree that is rooted deeper and deeper into the Earth. When you rest this way, you can also hear the branches moving. You can hear the vibration of the wind. You can hear the vibration of the Sun, the moon, the stars. You can see with clarity your own vehicle with the tree at the center, the nest at the center. You can feel the magnificence of your vibratory vehicle accurately, truthfully, even humbly accepting all that you see, all that you hear resting in the nest.

Most importantly we impart this to you with great love. Trust in your own ability to make use of that which is being activated in you. Welcoming you into the fraternity of those who embrace light, serve that light, serve that love. May you be blessed now and forever with this peace.   May you remember to call this to you in moments of external difficulty, in moments of internal turmoil.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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