There is a Jewel

There is a Jewel

Find that posture, that subtle yet knowable, noticeable alignment inside you that will make you receptive to what we bring you at this moment. Your ears are serving that inner alignment. Your breath is serving that inner alignment. You're preparing your inner territory- yes, to hear the word said, but more importantly to receive the vibrational information. 

Healing does not occur necessarily when you decide that there is a moment for healing. Noticing the shift in energy, noticing the shift in the atmosphere, noticing that something is a little different than it was a moment ago, and choosing to pay attention, choosing, so to speak, to stop what you're doing and pay attention allows you to collaborate in the healing moment for yourself and also for others. 

This same inner posture that you are achieving in this moment is that which also makes you available to notice with others in other situations what needs to be done, what needs to be said, what needs to be not said in order to facilitate the possibility of the prayers of everyone present being answered. What do we mean by that? Every human has a prayer. Many don't call it that, many reject the notion of prayer especially in your present milieu. And yet in the heart of each human, in fact in the heart of each creature there is a prayer. What you are learning to do is to hold a space, secure a space, create a space, acknowledge a space, that allows that prayer to come forth energetically. It may not come forth verbally. And if in some situations you were to identify that there was a prayer being exhibited, you would be laughed at, but right now because you are available, your prayer is being answered. 

Because is not your prayer for peace, for unity, for harmony, to know yourself beyond all of your considerations, underneath your thoughts, underneath your identities, to contact, enter into relationship with that place in the center of pure bliss?

Now in your awareness and with your breath burrow a little deeper. Your heart has layers- like if you were to go to the place called the Grand Canyon and look at the layers of the Earth, one on top of another, each one slightly different in its consistency, its color than the one above it and below it. Your heart is like that. There are layers. Through your breath, through your awareness through your intention, not from your mind, you can borrow through the layers gently one by one. And just like very deep under those layers of Earth, there is a place, a cave in which there is a jewel, a bright shining pulsating jewel.  Although it can be that what's awaiting you is not a jewel, but a pond of water, a note of music, an illuminated cave where you can rest.

Now from this place that you are resting, sitting, bring your awareness to the layers of your own blessed vehicle. Be aware of the light permeating you, seeking out those places of density, of blockage, releasing those thought-forms, releasing those habitual places of holding.  All is well in this moment. All is well.  

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Activation of Healership


Where Have You Been Until Now?