Where Have You Been Until Now?

Where Have You Been Until Now?

Welcome to all of you and welcome to all the members of the team arriving here step by step slowly. You have all done the work you needed to do to arrive here- overcoming, in some cases, the resistance of your ego, the busyness of your lives, the concerns that are blown out of proportion, the entertainment of your mind’s interest. You can feel the arrival of your guides who have been working just as you have, cultivating the necessary impulses in you for the ongoing answer of your prayers. 

Now everyone comes together in this Sacred Circle to, so to speak, share information, exchange stories, and come together at a new stage, a new step on the ladder as you would say. There is much to discuss here; there is much to learn. How beautiful that learning is endless, and the ability to learn only gets stronger, only gets more expanded based on the will to learn, the prayer to learn, the desire to learn, and the necessity to learn in the mission that each one of you has been given to bring light to where you are called to be. 

The prerequisite of this, of course, is as you are doing in this very moment- arriving into your blessed vehicle and sitting gently, calmly in the space of the heart. The question, of course, is- “Where have you been until now?” There are many rooms in your house. Most of you choose to occupy the workroom and sometimes you forget about the heart room. And then you come together and you create, so to speak, a giant heart room for all of you to sit together to bring all those concerns, all those emotions, all those questions, even all those worthless but very present self criticisms, judgments and deposit them here in the heart room.  So then the servants who serve you gladly, happily can come and clean then, sometimes polish them so you can see them more clearly and decide where they belong. And then we will help you put them there to be filed as past concerns, to be set out in the sun to be radiated while you rest in the heart room. Welcome.

It is our intention, because it is your intention to answer your prayers even more deeply, take you inside yourself into the spaces where your prayer can be answered and also the attendant information that your prayers stimulates the doors that it opens, the books that it opens can be entered, can be read, can be received. Your job, so to speak, is to pay attention, to understand that every step you take here in this circle and in these days together can bring you what you seek: knowledge of yourself, knowledge of the spiritual world, the awakening of your own inner healership. Every step you take, every word you say, every breath you breathe is an opportunity, and because you have entered this Sacred Circle, and because you have each made your prayer simply by appearing here, the program is in progress, has been initiated. So pay attention, observe, breathe consciously. 

Appreciate by your attention what you are being offered here. What you are being given even now.  We leave you now in this sacred space that you are forming by your breath, by your intention, by the natural expansion of your heart that occurs when it is met by other hearts welcoming it. But of course, we don't leave you. We just withdraw to stand behind you, are hands, so to speak, on your shoulders supporting you, ready to whisper in your ear when you waiver, loving you, trusting you, awaiting your arrival even more deeply to the space that we share of the universal interior heart. Light is your friend. Light is your teacher. Light is your companion. Light is your challenger when you need it. May you be blessed now as you are and may you remember every moment you are here so you can practice remembering when you are not. By the Light of Christ in your hearts, in your vehicle, piece by piece, spark by spark, may the illumination of your mind follow the expansion of your heart. We say as you do- Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


There is a Jewel