How do You Define Life
GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute

How do You Define Life

Light upon you. Light to teach you. Light to comfort you in the moment of need. Though, we would ask you this day how do you define life? Is life what is made up of the parts of your identity? Is life what you do? Is life what it looks like?

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Shattered Consciousness and Unity
GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, MD Essential Light Institute

Shattered Consciousness and Unity

You have been taught, have you not, to love yourself. On this day, we would give you a little expansion. Love yourselves. Since you do have many. Some of them are here with you now. Some of them I've already invited into your central house. Some of them are awaiting the invitation. Some of them are not on this plane. You are indeed a magnificent creature.

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Mediumship is Relationship
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

Mediumship is Relationship

What you call mediumship, we call relationship. What to you is strange, intriguing, we call reality. If we say to you that the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the Earth are contained in you vibrationally, would you not agree with that statement?

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Recognize the Light
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Recognize the Light

Light upon you, Light within you, Light to heal you, Light to comfort you, Light to remind you always. But memory is not, in this case, the memory of pictures, the memory of situations. The higher you go in the realms of Light the less the pictures matter. Pictures in memory call you into the identity of yourself in relation to those memories and yet to, so to speak, rise up in the realms of Light.

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Connecting With Your Guides
2018, MD, GOTB Heather Lutz 2018, MD, GOTB Heather Lutz

Connecting With Your Guides

The arrival of the Guide is a moment to be recognized and a moment to be cherished. As you sit here recreating your circle, be aware of the steps, the stages, the sequence that leads to the rejoining; the reconnecting with your guide, your friend.

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Activation of Healership
MD, GOTB, 2017 Essential Light Institute MD, GOTB, 2017 Essential Light Institute

Activation of Healership

Light upon you. Light to illuminate all the corners of your house. We are calling here the dust, neglected material, that which was put aside stuck in a closet even left to rot in the hopes that it would disappear. You came into this world waiting to be fed, to be nurtured, to be taught.

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