Invoking the Christ Light
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Invoking the Christ Light

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you. Light of Christ to give you comfort, to give you perspective in your moments of sadness. We do not seek to explain away anything. It is not our purpose to cover anything about you with words of distraction.

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Call Your Heart Forward
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Call Your Heart Forward

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you, Light of Christ illuminating all your aspects equally. The invitation in this moment is to bring your heart more fully present. When the heart has been fully present, when out of various motivations you retreat once more, there is a void, a void in you and a void in the sacred spaces that you come to inhabit.

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Recognize the Light
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Recognize the Light

Light upon you, Light within you, Light to heal you, Light to comfort you, Light to remind you always. But memory is not, in this case, the memory of pictures, the memory of situations. The higher you go in the realms of Light the less the pictures matter. Pictures in memory call you into the identity of yourself in relation to those memories and yet to, so to speak, rise up in the realms of Light.

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Remembering Your Essential Self
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Remembering Your Essential Self

Now you are remembering. What a blessed amazing gift. To be able to remember and actualize that which you remember. That the ability to remember and return to a previous state is, so to speak, an added gift given to humans.

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Your Relationship to the Mystery
GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute

Your Relationship to the Mystery

Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you, leading you through the mystery, to the mystery, from the mystery, returning, to the mystery. A mystery means something that is undiscovered and yet exists. From a certain point of view human existence is simply a mystery.

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Rearranging Your Spiritual Toolbox
GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute

Rearranging Your Spiritual Toolbox

Blessings upon you on this day. For indeed you have already received the blessing of being in your body surrounded by, living on, living through, the body of your earth. You have the blessing of nurturing that body. You have the ineffable blessing of friendship, companionship.

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Creating Your Vision
GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute

Creating Your Vision

Blessings on each of your beautiful hearts. Blessings upon your collective heart that manifests when each of your hearts comes together with the others. What do you wish for today? What thought do you wish to put into this space held by your collective heart?

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Reach for the Light
GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute

Reach for the Light

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. We would ask you to begin by holding your hands out in front of you. You can either imagine, or you can feel the actuality of the gift being delivered to you at this moment.

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A Balance To Be Found
Heart Camp, 2018 Essential Light Institute Heart Camp, 2018 Essential Light Institute

A Balance To Be Found

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light at your command. Light never to leave you. Why do we make this invocation? It is to remind you and give you, as you would say, a mantra.

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No Hidden Agenda
Heart Camp, 2018 Essential Light Institute Heart Camp, 2018 Essential Light Institute

No Hidden Agenda

To start the day, let’s join hands. Pay attention. Pay attention to the circle. Pay attention to the feeling, the sensations. Pay attention to what we have won here creating a circle of individuals joined in the heart. Not a small thing, a small thing.

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Experience Your Garden
Heart Camp, 2018 Essential Light Institute Heart Camp, 2018 Essential Light Institute

Experience Your Garden

We ask you to suspend, temporarily, the act of thinking. At least to disengage temporarily from your fascination with it, your commitment to it. Not because there is anything wrong with it, that is not a concept that we use in this space, but because it has its limitations.

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Trust There Is a Plan
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Trust There Is a Plan

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ in you, Light of Christ with you, Light of Christ of you. Light of Christ to guide you, heal you, comfort you. All of this is possible, as you now know, with a single breath, with a single awareness.

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Recognizing the Vibration of Love
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Recognizing the Vibration of Love

Light upon you. Light within you. Light, as you would say, even at your beck and call. If in fact it is true, and it is true, that Light is infinite, then of course it would be at your beck and call because also Light has no opinion, as it has been said.

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The Art of Discernment
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

The Art of Discernment

Greetings to you on this most auspicious day, auspicious because you are here, auspicious because the flock has re-gathered. Each of you bringing material, so to speak, sticks, leaves, from your own nest to bring to form this larger nest.

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Make Your Heart the Priority
MD, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute MD, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute

Make Your Heart the Priority

Recognizing when that light is upon you is the secret. Sometimes we wait. In this case, we wait for your full complement to be present. It is not so much what we say that is so precious, it is the experience of being together as one heart and watching, feeling, observing the light come present when hearts are joined that is most precious to us.

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Realize Your Spark
MD, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute MD, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute

Realize Your Spark

Oh beautiful ones, if you could but, and someday you will, see how you glow with that light upon you, in you, through you, with you, of you, all of your opinions about yourself, all of your negative ideas about who you are, or what you've done, who you should be, aren't, wouldn’t, couldn’t, all of that would drop away. All of that is just the threads that you wound around yourself to fit in, to not stand out

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What Are You Waiting For?
2018, GOTB, MD Essential Light Institute 2018, GOTB, MD Essential Light Institute

What Are You Waiting For?

Universal light inside you. Universal light making up the substance, so to speak, of all of your layers. And not just the layers that you are being taught to assess and access here, but those layers of consciousness where you live in multiple places, so to speak, in multiple levels.

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Loosening the Threads
GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute

Loosening the Threads

The current, the circle reforming, be aware of that energetic process and how you can participate in it more consciously. Be aware also of your guides and the guides of this work. Become aware of how we make ourselves known to you.

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