Call Your Heart Forward

Call Your Heart Forward

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you, Light of Christ illuminating all your aspects equally. The invitation in this moment is to bring your heart more fully present. When the heart has been fully present, when out of various motivations you retreat once more, there is a void, a void in you and a void in the sacred spaces that you come to inhabit. You can, of course, choose to withdraw your heart, partially cover it, of course. But it will leave a space that it has occupied and you will have a vague sense of something missing, a longing, a missing. The good news is, just as you’re doing now, turning your attention to your heart, choosing once again to allow it, bring it forward, that space is immediately occupied and you wonder “what was the problem?”

Much of what you call your symptoms, much of what you call your distress, much of what you experience even as suffering, is the longing for, the missing of, your own heart. Good news again, because there it is. When you turn your attention to your heart through the ways that we have taught you, your breath, your attention, your choice, your imagination, you then find that a good percentage of what was distressing you has somehow been superseded, retreated itself. What we are giving you are practical tools. Each of you, as you would say, carries your wounds. How could it be otherwise? You have walked many paths. The wound is a sign that you have engaged in living.

We ask again now, breathe in that space of your heart. We are calling, you are calling, your heart to come forward once again. And when you have called your heart to be in front, so to speak, then all the others have their reference. The other centers, each one their own little universe can also wake up and join the harmony, can feel safe themselves that, so to speak, someone is in charge. Many of you have learned to fear your own natural energies. You have been taught and also seen examples of what happens when the powerful forces of life that flow through you act out without the harmonizing overview of the heart. And so as you have seen, you have called on spiritual forces to dampen them down, to restrict them, to put them in a box, to put them in a closet, to put them in a container, and then these many years later you begin to pay the price for having done what was necessary in the moment but which eventually leads to the kinds of disturbances, disharmonies, symptoms, even illnesses that you yourself have experienced and certainly that you see around you.

So we are giving you, as you would say, the golden key. Because when you, as you are doing in this moment, allow your heart to come forward, all those containers, those closets, those rooms, those boxes can then be safely opened once again. Because when the heart is in charge it is impossible to do other than what is for the benefit of all.

So it may be that today will afford you an opportunity to allow something that has been closed to reopen within this sacred space, this nest of the heart. If that is so, know that, as we said at the beginning we call forth all aspects, we illuminate with the Light of Christ all aspects. It is a great misunderstanding that some aspects of humans are welcome and some are not. It is, as you would say, the trick to discern that which has been so distorted by being denied the Light that it then causes harm from that which in its pure form is simply the expression of an aspect of what it means to be human.

So we thank you for bringing your hearts forward. We invite you once again to feel what this feels like and if you like it, so to speak, do it again and again until it is your natural state as it was when you were in your body but very small. Because this blesses you, allows you to feel the peace of the Christ Light in that heart of yours and therefore to be a beacon of that.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Invoking the Christ Light


Recognize the Light