Recognize the Light

Recognize the Light

Light upon you, Light within you, Light to heal you, Light to comfort you, Light to remind you always. But memory is not, in this case, the memory of pictures, the memory of situations. The higher you go in the realms of Light the less the pictures matter. Pictures in memory call you into the identity of yourself in relation to those memories and yet to, so to speak, rise up in the realms of Light. As you are learning, one of the useful steps, in fact necessary steps is to allow your sense of identity, which after all is simply an amalgam of thought, to allow that sense to relax, even dissolve, as some of you are seeing in your life passages. Now the memory we are talking about is a vibrational memory, a recognition of an essential vibratory state, thatsomehow is familiar, somehow is comforting, somehow takes you back even though the concept of back and forward does not exist in the same way in this vibration of Light. Back and forward are simply part of the thought construct. Here/now is the essentialquality of this memory.

Recognize now the arrival, recognize now the arrival, we have given you a clue. As you begin to forget who you have believed yourself to be, you are coming into contact with that which is arriving. There are other clues. Sometimes that arrival comes as a breeze over your skin. Sometimes it is announced, so to speak, by a bell ringing in the distance, by your attention naturally starting to draw inward, by your breath deepening, by all the things you were thinking about starting to slow down in their rotation. In this moment there is arriving to you the answer to your prayer, your deep prayer, your “beyond your personality” prayer.

May you be blessed now, as you are, with the peace of the Christ Light in your heart. May you come to nourish this relationship that is being augmented as we are here together. It is of course possible for you to reach the point where you take it for granted that you are a beloved child of Light. What a beautiful step that will be when you know that so completely that it simply is your identity overriding, encompassing all the other identifications you carry with you. It doesn’t negate them, it enhances them and it gives you a perspective as to their relative importance as you go forward.

We offer you this augmentation of your relationship with Light as an encouragement. Understand that this is being given to you simply because you are you. We ask that this message be transmitted to others in your circle. That what is being offered is being given freely and there is a necessity to nurture the relationship, to make yourself available to it, so that it can grow. And we said earlier that your prayer is being answered. Is it not your prayer to know yourself in the Light? Is not your prayer to be of use? Is it not your prayer to have a reference, to have an identity, beyond those thought forms of identification that have been given to you and that you have accepted.

We say to you that you are beloved. We say to you that whatever has occurred in this or other lives, is, has been, forgiven. We say that your heart is the best guide through all of the shoals as you navigate the waters of your life. We say that what has been referred to as the shattering of human consciousness is being healed in you at this moment by this Light that has descended upon you. That shattering created all these identities, all these identifications with those thoughts. The reunifying, the gathering of the scattered parts happens within this Divine space that you are feeling here, now. To realize energetically, vibrationally, followed by cognitively but preceded by vibration, that there is one Light and you are of that Light, from that Light, for that Light, to that Light. What we are saying to you is only a cliché if it is not accompanied by the vibrational experience.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Call Your Heart Forward


Remembering Your Essential Self