How Will You Remember
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

How Will You Remember

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light through you. Light for you. Light with you. Light to guide you home. We ask you to contemplate the following: how will you remember? We talked about this at the beginning. How will you remember?

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The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill
2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute 2019, HTH, C'Ville Essential Light Institute

The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill

Each of you has been enrolled as a student in good standing in the school of the heart. The school is, in fact, both kindergarten and a university. If you remember when you were in kindergarten and you went out to recess, you went to where you felt to go. If you wanted to swing on the swings, you went to the swings. If you wanted to go down the slide, you went down the slide. If you wanted to play catch with another one, that's what you did.

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Your Right to Choose
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

Your Right to Choose

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to comfort you. Light to give you perspective. As you walk through your life, you have a choice of perspectives. Do you not? There is the temporary perspective of your mind. The limited perspectiveof your emotions. The eternal perspective of your spirit.

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Partner in the Mission
GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2019, OR Essential Light Institute

Partner in the Mission

Light upon you. Light Within you. Light surrounding you. Light to guide you. Light to comfort you. Light to show you the way. Can you feel now the fullness of your nest? Can you feel how the nest itself rejoices when all the birds have come back to be in it?

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Call Your Heart Forward
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Call Your Heart Forward

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ within you, Light of Christ illuminating all your aspects equally. The invitation in this moment is to bring your heart more fully present. When the heart has been fully present, when out of various motivations you retreat once more, there is a void, a void in you and a void in the sacred spaces that you come to inhabit.

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Creating Your Vision
GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, MD Essential Light Institute

Creating Your Vision

Blessings on each of your beautiful hearts. Blessings upon your collective heart that manifests when each of your hearts comes together with the others. What do you wish for today? What thought do you wish to put into this space held by your collective heart?

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Trust There Is a Plan
GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute GOTB, 2018, OR Essential Light Institute

Trust There Is a Plan

Light of Christ upon you, Light of Christ in you, Light of Christ with you, Light of Christ of you. Light of Christ to guide you, heal you, comfort you. All of this is possible, as you now know, with a single breath, with a single awareness.

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Assess Without Judgment
MD, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute MD, GOTB, 2018 Essential Light Institute

Assess Without Judgment

In your world the word assessment comes, as you would say, loaded with opinions. Today is a day of assessment but not an assessment that ascribes value, relative value, to that which is assessed. Each of you have dedicated yourself to the embodiment of Light.

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