Your Right to Choose

Your Right to Choose

Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to comfort you. Light to give you perspective. As you walk through your life, you have a choice of perspectives. Do you not? There is the temporary perspective of your mind. The limited perspectiveof your emotions. The eternal perspective of your spirit. Perspective of your mind would give you philosophies. Perspective of your emotions would give you excitement. Perspective of your spirit will give you patience. One perspective would have you standing at the foot of the mountain making strategies as to how to climb. The next perspective would have you trudging up the mountain and yet observing the wildflowers. Third perspective would have you at the top of the mountain looking at the mystery of creation and marveling.

Choice is a multi-layered attribute. You are being taught to use your choice wisely to incorporate your grounded feet, your open heart, and the perspective that light would give you as you make your choices. The mind would have you make one choice, emotions another, and even the spirit a third. Our counsel is to integrate all of them. They all have their worth; they are just not all the same. We are attempting to teach you the way to hold it all, as you would say, without judgment, certainly without fear. “Let us help you” we say, and you say “yes”. What is the help that we can give? What we are giving here -to teach you with total respect for your personhood for your right to choose.

There are those who would seek to dominate you, to use you for purposes that you might imagine but that are not true. We seek to liberate you from the bonds of matter. And yet to appreciate the matter that you have been given simultaneously walking firmly in your body-your bodies, as we would say. And yetwith the perspective of being at the top of the mountain, even as you smell the flowers, even as you navigate climbing the mountain. We have responded to your prayer to be fully alive-to be fully appreciative of the gift you have been given, at the same time, to not be trapped by the density of that gift. In return, we ask that you pay attention. Learn well, so that you might teach others by your example.

As we have said, we do not seek to dominate. We do not seek to implant anything in you. We seek to awaken what is in you already. To remove the obstacles to your total freedom of choice within the immutable laws. We ask of you what we ask of ourselves-to obey what we are calling the discipline of harmony, because that increases the harmony of all, the harmony of the universe reinforces that which is our, as you would say, prejudice towards the preservation of that harmony. In return, so to speak, as an enticement, we give you this light which is after all your right-your birthright. It is, so to speak,your reward for the effort to find your heart, for the training, internal and external, and the discipline of harmony in the awakening of your core to access this light, to feel this light, to know this light, to vibrate in the pulsation of this light joining in that universal pulsation, making use of it as you climb the mountain.

Make sure that you pay attention in this space, in this nest, to this pulsation of light. So that you recognize it in those moments when you need it most or simply when you arequiet, attentive, available. Once you have made the link, once you have, as this one taught, received the template-the transmission template-this is available to you all the time, every moment of your blessed walk on this planet. Breathe now in this pulsation of light. Allow it to wash over you. May you be blessed now and forever with the peace that rides on this pulsation of light in your heart.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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