The Art of Choosing, an Advanced Skill
Each of you has been enrolled as a student in good standing in the school of the heart. The school is, in fact, both kindergarten and a university. If you remember when you were in kindergarten and you went out to recess, you went to where you felt to go. If you wanted to swing on the swings, you went to the swings. If you wanted to go down the slide, you went down the slide. If you wanted to play catch with another one, that's what you did.

Your Right to Choose
Light upon you. Light within you. Light around you. Light to comfort you. Light to give you perspective. As you walk through your life, you have a choice of perspectives. Do you not? There is the temporary perspective of your mind. The limited perspectiveof your emotions. The eternal perspective of your spirit.

Rearranging Your Spiritual Toolbox
Blessings upon you on this day. For indeed you have already received the blessing of being in your body surrounded by, living on, living through, the body of your earth. You have the blessing of nurturing that body. You have the ineffable blessing of friendship, companionship.

The Art of Discernment
Greetings to you on this most auspicious day, auspicious because you are here, auspicious because the flock has re-gathered. Each of you bringing material, so to speak, sticks, leaves, from your own nest to bring to form this larger nest.

What Are You Waiting For?
Universal light inside you. Universal light making up the substance, so to speak, of all of your layers. And not just the layers that you are being taught to assess and access here, but those layers of consciousness where you live in multiple places, so to speak, in multiple levels.

How Will You Know?
It is the great task of humanity, the challenge, if you will, to discern what to follow. In each of your little universes you have many planets, many stars.
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