Mediumship is Relationship
What you call mediumship, we call relationship. What to you is strange, intriguing, we call reality. If we say to you that the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the Earth are contained in you vibrationally, would you not agree with that statement?

Realize Your Spark
Oh beautiful ones, if you could but, and someday you will, see how you glow with that light upon you, in you, through you, with you, of you, all of your opinions about yourself, all of your negative ideas about who you are, or what you've done, who you should be, aren't, wouldn’t, couldn’t, all of that would drop away. All of that is just the threads that you wound around yourself to fit in, to not stand out

You Are Beloved
Light of Christ upon you. Light of Christ within you. As you clear yourself, as you calm yourself, as you allow your mind to run where it will and you stay calm and centered Light of Christ through you. No matter where you go in this world there is really only one truth you need to know, you are indeed beloved. All that happens to you is because you are human and chose to be a human.

Light Is Your Friend
Light is your friend. What does that mean? Because a friend, a true friend, tells you the truth. A true friend illuminates what is real, what is true and trusts you to accommodate yourself to that truth, holds the space for your reaction, doesn't turn its back when you fall into reactivity, gives you the space to come back to your heart and examine the truth without judgment. So Light is your friend.

Experiencing Light
We greet you from where we are, which in fact is inside your heart. This Light that you are experiencing now is not here just for this day or these days together. We have said before and we will keep saying it as long as you are willing to listen, that this Light is your friend. It is a gift to you.

What Is Lacking?
There are times, are there not, when you feel yourself submitting to despair. When that which would balance the weight of what can seem to be dark, heavy, hopeless is missing. But what is missing? What is lacking? The answer, of course, that you know is nothing is lacking.
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