Realize Your Spark

Realize Your Spark

Oh beautiful ones, if you could but, and someday you will, see how you glow with that light upon you, in you, through you, with you, of you, all of your opinions about yourself, all of your negative ideas about who you are, or what you've done, who you should be, aren't, wouldn’t, couldn’t, all of that would drop away. All of that is just the threads that you wound around yourself to fit in, to not stand out.

Little did you know, little did you remember that the glow you are embodying now is the much more authentic aspect of yourself and has been celebrated all along. You have a cheering squad. Do you know that? You have a line of beings behind you with flags, streamers, pinwheels cheering for you as you take the steps towards the edge getting ready to jump. We can’t jump for you, but we can jump with you.

You have been preparing, clearing, cleaning. Today you will have the opportunity to unwind another thick layer of the threads of opinions that you have bound you to the lesser idea of yourself, but don't become confused and think because you are going to have a greater idea of yourself that you are somehow greater. The truth is not greater, nor is it lesser. It simply is the truth.

How different your world will be, your small world and someday your greater world, when you as “you” and you as “all of you” acknowledge the truth. Live the truth. Embody the truth. You have weighted yourself down with so much baggage, so many thoughts, so many actions that bind you to earth in the most heavy way possible- bind you through the wounds, bind you through ignorance, bind you through the collective belief in lack, bind you in the belief that conflict leads to peace.

But now as you feel the presence of that which you have prayed for and you feel the intimation of the possibility that just maybe this light is more powerful than those thoughts, those opinions when held collectively so now you can take those steps toward that edge. You are unbinding yourself, unwinding yourself, and finding yourself. And the Miracle is yourself it's not just one self. Your self is an aspect of the Great Self, the One Self.

And yet because you are who you are and have been born where you are, you also have the opportunity to realize your spark. Your spark does not have to be the dimming of another one. If you spark is true, then it calls others into illumination, into celebration of your sparkdom.

You are being called to the great task of embodying love, a great task. Why do we call it a task? Because they are so many forces, and so many opinions, and so many reasons to refuse, a task requires effort. A task requires attention. A task requires time set aside to accomplish the task.

Breathe in this moment and pay attention to what is being given to you now. Feel how the prayer that you have made is being realized in this moment, because there is really only one prayer that humans make: to know yourself, the truth of who you are. Because in that knowledge, in the vibration of that knowledge, is the release of all pain, the release of all karma. In the realization of your true nature as a child, an owner, a spark of this light, you are, will be, shall be free to choose to jump or not.

In this moment, use what you have been given. Breathe in your center, breathe in your heart underneath your thoughts, underneath your identity, underneath your body. It is your relationship with this that is here now radiating you that some of you have called salvation. It is in the gradual blending of your own energy of what you have been given to hold and command in this life with this that is what gets called eternal life. None of this is meant to intimidate you, it is meant to reassure you. Because after all, what have you done to deserve this? You have said yes, you have said yes.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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