Make Your Heart the Priority

Make Your Heart the Priority

Recognizing when that light is upon you is the secret. Sometimes we wait. In this case, we wait for your full complement to be present. It is not so much what we say that is so precious, it is the experience of being together as one heart and watching, feeling, observing the light come present when hearts are joined that is most precious to us. If you haven't guessed by now, unity of community is most precious to us.

Your world is, so to speak, rocking. For some of you it’s good news; for some of you bad news that it will continue to rock even more so. Each of you has rocked- some of you quite substantial. Why? To clear the space for something new. Your little World and your greater world are just one world. The good news is there are many worlds, but the truth is all of them rock sometime.

Some of you pay great attention to detail. Some of you not so much. What you can pay attention to is the space of your heart and creating, in each of your way, a circle of the heart. Each of you is called to a place, a venue. Some of those venues appear to be quite small. Each molecule of the universe is as important as every other. One circle of the heart that involves three people is as important as the ones involving thousands. Each is a link in the greater chain of unity. The choice you make on a daily basis, the choice you make on a minutely basis, has ripples beyond you, beyond what you can know. That’s not a reason to make yourself special; it is a reason to be aware.

This one has shown you by his example, you have shown each other by your examples, what happens when you choose the heart when the pull is towards something else. How simple it sounds when we sit together in this holy space. How well we understand the challenge that it can be in places where the awareness of heart is, shall we say, somewhat less. And yet what would your life be without some challenges?

In these days to come, you will find yourself sorely tested to remain in the heart. Some of you in the personal realm, all of you in the greater realm. Maintain your circle of support as well as you can. Maintain open communication by choosing to do so. Our invitation is to make your heart your priority- Not one of your priorities, Your Priority.

What does it cost you to walk away from a place where your heart is not welcome? What does it cost you to speak the truth? What does it cost you to cry for your brothers and sisters? What does it cost you to laugh? Because you know the truth underneath the underneath the underneath. How many times will you be offered this space to remember and to come back to? As many as you wish. Collaboration between those of us who inspire the space and those of us who create the space is eternal. Written in the language of the heart committed over lifetimes in your world, this collaboration is ancient in your terms. It has taken many forms. Be blessed as you create your own forms. be blessed as you receive the inspiration for the collaboration. How purely you create your space is up to you. By purely we mean honoring the collaboration as it is meant to be. Free of interference, of opinion, ego, but don't wait until some idea of perfection has been embodied in you.

Cultivate along with your connection to us that most elusive, tender, quality of humility. Humility will guide you to be open to seeing the truth when you stray from your intention. Humility will guide you to ask for forgiveness when it is necessary, appropriate. Humility will guide you to trust others to help you and join you to give you council, correction. Humility will link you with us, because at the heart of the heart of the heart of all creation is the molecule of humility.

May you be blessed now as you are with the peace of Christ in your hearts. May this light guide you as you go forth. May it bring you back together. May it make you reach out to each other. May it make you forge more firmly your relationship with your guides so that together we may create these spaces for those who wish to come and rest and to find another layer of themselves waiting to be activated through breath, through the collaboration that has always been, will always be.

As you say- Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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