You Are Beloved

You Are Beloved

Light of Christ upon you.  Light of Christ within you.  As you clear yourself, as you calm yourself, as you allow your mind to run where it will and you stay calm and centered   Light of Christ through you. No matter where you go in this world there is really only one truth you need to know, you are indeed beloved. All that happens to you is because you are human and chose to be a human.  

To be human is a most precious gift and not without, as you know, it's many challenges.  You have come to a world in which all the forces that exist in all the universes come together to, so to speak, have their conversation.  Not all of them obviously agree with each other because they come from different places, different dimensions, different stars, different planets, different levels of relationship with the divine forces, even different agendas.  How can you adapt to all that, how can you make use of all that, how can you not be pulled, as you would say, in a thousand directions from all that.  Besides what we hope to accomplish by becoming that conduit of light, the gift to you by the activation of your inbuilt central channel, your inbuilt multifaceted heart, your inbuilt ability to choose wisely and to learn when you do not choose wisely; by the activation of all these we hope to give you the clue as to how to be a fully incarnated human, appreciating opening to the forces, to the beings, to the dimensions, to the conversation, and yet retain and augment your knowledge of your own both unique and unified self.   

All this is a lofty perhaps overly verbose way of saying welcome to your heart. And welcome to the community of heart, welcome to those few but growing number of your fellows making the same investigation in their own way, in their own places.  You have never walked alone, you have been taught this through song.  Seek out here and in places that you inhabit, what we call your nests, those who are making that same investigation.  

How will you recognize them?  Sometimes recognize them by the confusion that they demonstrate as they make their way through the morass of thought to the peace of the Christ in their hearts.  Join with them to make your other circles.   Call heart-to-heart, truth to truth, light to light, that all the other considerations fall to the side. Embrace this one truth: you are beloved, all are beloved, even those ones that you most disagree with, even those ones that raise the most fear in you,  the most opinion in you, the most judgment in you, and who would judge you as well, they too are beloved.  As always we wish for you only that you receive this inner knowledge, that you link yourself heart to heart to heart to receive the central teaching of all creation, the oneness of Light,  the universality of forgiveness, the infinite possibility of evolution in consciousness when that simple connection with the heart is achieved, maintained, nurtured, respected, honored. It sounds so simple and in this space it is simple.  

When you go back to your nests, all of those forces, beings, conversations that we refer to, are there waiting for you in the atmosphere of your world.  You need each other, and as we have said before you need to respect, treat each other with respect, tenderness, understanding, truthfulness, humility to understand, truthfulness to build trust, compassion to hold the space for each one to make their journey in their own way, faith that, as the great one said, all is well, all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.   May you be blessed now as you are and may you continue to be blessed with peace of the light of Christ in your hearts. May your connection with the earth nurture you, feed you, bring you into truthful relationship with all nature.   May your dedication to the well-being of all beings include yourself.   We leave you in this peace.  Amen.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

Receiving Your Guides and Subtle Awareness


Light Is Not a Metaphor