Receiving Your Guides and Subtle Awareness

Receiving Your Guides and Subtle Awareness

Let's join our hands together. Be aware as we take each step, as we reform the nest, how the sensation changes; how the feeling changes; how you know that your heart is linking with all the other hearts to form something greater than the sum of the hearts. How you recognize through the sensation, through the feeling, the shifts in the energetic atmosphere inside you and around you. Each step you take creates a shift in sensation, the air moves around you. The breath gives you strength to do the movement that you have chosen to do, that you call your body into motion to make. 

Each nuance of life, creates an interaction with that life. It is the awareness of those shifts, not as an intellectual exercise but as an exercise in liveness, that will make you an alive participant in your life on earth. And it will make you an aware participant in the healing process- your own and of those who come to you. Feel now as your guides come closer. We don't arrive as the ones who come knocking on your physical door.  We come in a shift of the breeze around you. We come in  a relaxation of your channel.  We come in an intensification of the sound of the universe around you. 

Don’t, as this one would say, make a big deal about it. Note it. Receive us. Relax, breathe.  It is the circle you are forming that makes our arrival possible, more easy, less dramatic. The circle of heart you are creating makes the dropping of the veils, the opening of the doors, however you frame it, possible. The space we inhabit has this texture that you are feeling now, this softening, this blending.  Our bodies are not as defined as yours. We do not require the same boundaries. Consciousness is more fluid than physicality. 

As you open your circle, define your circle as a space of light, love, truth, justice, mercy, compassion, faith, and forgiveness. Those who resonate with those vibrations, each one given a word, can make their entrance, can make themselves known, can join you in your work of learning to be those instruments that we have referred to. So breathe. Beware as you breathe you are breathing to enliven your physical self but you are breathing in the universe participating through the simple act of breathing. In the vibrational Dance of the universe, the vibrational flow of the universe. How simple? How beautiful? How ordinary? And therefore how special? 

May you be blessed now as you are with this peace of Christ in your heart. May that continue with every breath to firm itself in your being.  We leave you, as we say not ever leaving you, to your work.  Amen

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.

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