Fill Your Vessel

Fill Your Vessel

Your heart is a vessel. Your heart is a bowl. Imagine, if you will, a crystalline bowl. In fact, it is a bowl within a bowl; a vessel within a vessel within a vessel within a vessel. Each layer of your vehicle, another vessel. A vessel is something that is filled, that can hold a substance- in this case light, in this case vitality. Universal Force it has many names chi, prana, vital force. We say that it is a sub-substance of light. Breathe. Feel that bowl, that vessel being filled- that vessel of your heart. Breathe. 

Your food makes your vessel strong to be able to receive its real nourishment- makes the clay of your vessel firm- but what fills the bowls is light. How simple?  How profound?  Ill health is caused by what?  By the distraction, refraction, contraction, that prevents this that you are receiving in your vessel now through your breath, through your awareness, through your willingness. All those that we name prevent this and that results in what you would call symptoms, illness.  Therefore, what is your task as the ones who would help those who come to you in need?  Calm the distractions. Open the contraction. Remove, if possible, the impediments. Teach the ones who come to you the reality of what they can access through their breath, through their willingness.  

Fill Your Vessel. Fill Your Vessel. Through your breath, send the light, the vibration, the universal force, whatever name you choose to give it in this moment, send it to those places in your vessels that are holding those contractions, constrictions, distractions, impediments. Not just in your physicality, your physical body is one vessel. Our teaching is to expand your awareness of yourselves, of your vessels and inhabit them fully from the center outward, from the  center inward.  

Where lights flow fully, there cannot be illness.  Illness is the refusal to accept this universal force in its fullness, and the refusal to accept one's own self in your own fullness.  Fill your vessel. Breathe.  The crystal bowl of your heart. The crystalline layers of your vehicle.  The crystalline center around which all is organized.  You are now here blessed by this peace, with this peace, of this peace, through this peace. It is the peace of the Christ that creates the condition for the vessel to be filled, and it is the result of the vessel being filled. If you are filled, what do you lack? If you lack nothing, what desire do you have? If you have no desire, you are present, here- fully alive.

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.



Receiving Your Guides and Subtle Awareness