

The discernment that you seek is already represented symbolically.  Every time you open your eyes, do you not know the difference between a tree and a flower? Between a dog and a human? Between night and day? Between that which gives you pleasure and that which causes you pain? All these are discernment. represented outside you so that now you can take that same power of discernment outside you and turn it inward. 

At first it can be more difficult because you are used to placing your discernment outside yourself and leaving your inner territory to your subconscious. Why is it useful to make use of discernment? Because how you adjust yourself to daylight is different than how you adjust yourself to night time. How you interact with a tree is somewhat different than how you interact with a flower. How you cultivate pleasure involves different faculties, different choices, different adjustments than how you navigate pain. If your purpose is to be of use, then knowing, as this one has said, what is what is of great use to you. 

Discernment will allow you to navigate the tides of the energetic scene that you swim in. Don't be fooled into thinking that everything that comes to you as you swim along has your best interest in its intention. Just like there are people on Earth who bumble about bumping into others without the awareness of the sensitivity and the needs of that one, there are those without bodies who do the same. To some of those, you are an available portal. Your availability is not always respected by those who would come through the portal. Your sensitivity is not always acknowledged. Your own needs are not always taken into account. Those needs are your responsibility.  

Defining your boundaries is something that has been difficult for some of you. In some cases because your boundaries were, so to speak, violated at a young age by those who did not respect your sensitivity, your needs. And in some cases, then your outward focus allowed you to be vulnerable to those, so far, invisible energies who bumble about looking for a portal. It is not our intention to create fear in you. It is our intention to help you wake up to the utility of the gift you have been given, to another layer of awareness, to being- as it has been said- the owner of your house, the commander of your vehicle, the pilot.

The reward for your discernment is a greater yet alignment with light- facility in the embodiment, the transference of light. Is that not why you are here? We who are committed to light are also committed to your well-being. We who respect light also respect your boundaries, your choices. We do not seek to overwhelm you, to control you, and in no case, do  we seek to harm you. 

It is this peace, as we say, of the Christ in your hearts that is the basis of your discernment- that which resonates with this peace, that which resonates with your heart. We advise you to invite in that and those which do not resonate as yet with this peace that you cultivate in your heart. Our advice is: leave them outside until they can. If someone comes to your door and they do not resonate with your house, perhaps your choice is to send them away.  Tell them to take a shower; come back when they can enter in respect and peace.  

Essential Light Institute

The Essential Light Institute is a 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to the teaching, healing and studying of Light in all its expressions.


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